【 TiDB 使用环境】测试
【 TiDB 版本】7.6.0
我想关掉一些不太重要的监控组件,如prometheus, grafana, 而只保留TIDB集群自带的仪表盘,这是否可行?
我尝试这么做,我使用命令tiup cluster edit-config tidb-test,保存后提示
tiup is checking updates for component cluster ...timeout(2s)!
Starting component cluster: /root/.tiup/components/cluster/v1.14.1/tiup-cluster edit-config tidb-test
New topology could not be saved: immutable field changed: removed Monitors.0.Host with value '', removed Monitors.0.ssh_port with value '22', removed Monitors.0.Port with value '11400', removed Monitors.0.ng_port with value '11480', removed Monitors.0.DeployDir with value '/home/tidb/tidb-deploy/prometheus-11400', removed Monitors.0.DataDir with value '/mnt/filemanage/tidb/tidb-data/prometheus-11400', removed Monitors.0.LogDir with value '/mnt/filemanage/tidb/tidb-deploy/prometheus-11400/log', removed Monitors.0.Arch with value 'amd64', removed Monitors.0.OS with value 'linux'
Do you want to continue editing? [Y/n]: (default=Y)