【 TiDB 版本】
[2023/09/04 10:11:31.005 +08:00] [ERROR] [<unknown>] ["DB::Exception: Unexpected eof"] [source=Application] [thread_id=1]
[2023/09/04 10:11:53.520 +08:00] [ERROR] [<unknown>] ["DB::Exception: Unexpected eof"] [source=Application] [thread_id=1]
[2023/09/04 10:12:15.817 +08:00] [ERROR] [<unknown>] ["DB::Exception: Unexpected eof"] [source=Application] [thread_id=1]
[2023/09/04 10:12:38.040 +08:00] [ERROR] [<unknown>] ["DB::Exception: Unexpected eof"] [source=Application] [thread_id=1]
Logging debug to /data01/deploy/log/tiflash.log
Logging errors to /data01/deploy/log/tiflash_error.log
deprecated configuration, log-file has been moved to log.file.filename
override log.file.filename with log-file, "/data01/deploy/log/tiflash_tikv.log"
[2023/09/04 08:36:32.760 +08:00] [ERROR] [observer.rs:290] ["transfer leader won't exec"] [req="cmd_type: TransferLeader transfer_leader { peer { id: 4900743611 store_id: 1151850759 } }"][region="id: 94768718 start_key: 7480000000000079FF675F72800000000AFFCDECB70000000000FA end_key: 7480000000000079FF6800000000000000F8 region_epoch { conf_ver: 236240 version: 7351 } peers { id: 4900743611 store_id: 1151850759 } peers { id: 4900826256 store_id: 4453837499 } peers { id: 4900875948 store_id: 3755910046 } peers { id: 4901151587 store_id: 4858181679 role: Learner } peers { id: 4901153408 store_id: 4745761616 role: Learner }"]
[2023/09/04 10:14:09.454 +08:00] [DEBUG] [Server.cpp:995] ["Destroyed global context."] [thread_id=1]
[2023/09/04 10:14:09.454 +08:00] [INFO] [Server.cpp:868] ["Let tiflash proxy shutdown"] [thread_id=1]
[2023/09/04 10:14:09.454 +08:00] [INFO] [Server.cpp:871] ["Wait for tiflash proxy thread to join"] [thread_id=1]
[2023/09/04 10:14:09.560 +08:00] [INFO] [Server.cpp:873] ["tiflash proxy thread is joined"] [thread_id=1]
[2023/09/04 10:14:09.560 +08:00] [ERROR] [<unknown>] ["DB::Exception: Unexpected eof"] [source=Application] [thread_id=1]
[2023/09/04 10:14:09.560 +08:00] [INFO] [<unknown>] ["shutting down"] [source=Application] [thread_id=1]
[2023/09/04 10:14:09.560 +08:00] [DEBUG] [<unknown>] ["Uninitializing subsystem: Logging Subsystem"] [source=Application] [thread_id=1]
[2023/09/04 10:14:09.560 +08:00] [INFO] [BaseDaemon.cpp:315] ["Stop SignalListener thread"] [source=BaseDaemon] [thread_id=67]
[2023/09/04 10:14:24.956 +08:00] [INFO] [<unknown>] ["Welcome to TiFlash"] [thread_id=1]