【 TiDB 使用环境】 测试
【 TiDB 版本】
【复现路径】使用nfs 作为 storageclass tikv 部署出现问题
tikv 启动失败
[root@tidb06 ~]# kubectl logs basic-tikv-0 -n tidb-cluster
starting tikv-server ...
/tikv-server --pd=http://basic-pd:2379 --advertise-addr=basic-tikv-0.basic-tikv-peer.tidb-cluster.svc:20160 --addr= --status-addr= --advertise-status-addr=basic-tikv-0.basic-tikv-peer.tidb-cluster.svc:20180 --data-dir=/var/lib/tikv --capacity=0 --config=/etc/tikv/tikv.toml
[2022/12/29 02:07:11.977 +00:00] [INFO] [lib.rs:79] ["Welcome to TiKV"]
[2022/12/29 02:07:11.978 +00:00] [INFO] [lib.rs:84] ["Release Version: 6.1.0"]
[2022/12/29 02:07:11.978 +00:00] [INFO] [lib.rs:84] ["Edition: Community"]
[2022/12/29 02:07:11.978 +00:00] [INFO] [lib.rs:84] ["Git Commit Hash: 080d086832ae5ce2495352dccaf8df5d40f30687"]
[2022/12/29 02:07:11.978 +00:00] [INFO] [lib.rs:84] ["Git Commit Branch: heads/refs/tags/v6.1.0"]
[2022/12/29 02:07:11.978 +00:00] [INFO] [lib.rs:84] ["UTC Build Time: Unknown (env var does not exist when building)"]
[2022/12/29 02:07:11.978 +00:00] [INFO] [lib.rs:84] ["Rust Version: rustc 1.60.0-nightly (1e12aef3f 2022-02-13)"]
[2022/12/29 02:07:11.978 +00:00] [INFO] [lib.rs:84] ["Enable Features: jemalloc mem-profiling portable sse test-engine-kv-rocksdb test-engine-raft-raft-engine cloud-aws cloud-gcp cloud-azure"]
[2022/12/29 02:07:11.978 +00:00] [INFO] [lib.rs:84] ["Profile: dist_release"]
[2022/12/29 02:07:11.979 +00:00] [INFO] [mod.rs:74] ["cgroup quota: memory=Some(9223372036854771712), cpu=None, cores={7, 31, 11, 9, 15, 22, 27, 14, 21, 4, 20, 12, 30, 6, 26, 5, 8, 28, 1, 13, 29, 10, 2, 23, 17, 24, 18, 0, 19, 3, 16, 25}"]
[2022/12/29 02:07:11.995 +00:00] [INFO] [mod.rs:81] ["memory limit in bytes: 34367975424, cpu cores quota: 32"]
[2022/12/29 02:07:11.995 +00:00] [INFO] [config.rs:705] ["kernel parameters"] [value=0] [param=vm.swappiness]
[2022/12/29 02:07:11.995 +00:00] [WARN] [server.rs:1533] ["check: kernel"] [err="kernel parameters net.core.somaxconn got 128, expect 32768"]
[2022/12/29 02:07:11.996 +00:00] [WARN] [server.rs:1533] ["check: kernel"] [err="check_kernel_params failed No such file or directory (os error 2)"]
[2022/12/29 02:07:12.003 +00:00] [INFO] [util.rs:575] ["connecting to PD endpoint"] [endpoints=http://basic-pd:2379]
[2022/12/29 02:07:12.010 +00:00] [INFO] [<unknown>] ["TCP_USER_TIMEOUT is available. TCP_USER_TIMEOUT will be used thereafter"]
[2022/12/29 02:07:12.015 +00:00] [INFO] [util.rs:575] ["connecting to PD endpoint"] [endpoints=http://basic-pd-2.basic-pd-peer.tidb-cluster.svc:2379]
[2022/12/29 02:07:12.027 +00:00] [INFO] [util.rs:575] ["connecting to PD endpoint"] [endpoints=http://basic-pd-0.basic-pd-peer.tidb-cluster.svc:2379]
[2022/12/29 02:07:12.038 +00:00] [INFO] [util.rs:701] ["connected to PD member"] [endpoints=http://basic-pd-0.basic-pd-peer.tidb-cluster.svc:2379]
[2022/12/29 02:07:12.038 +00:00] [INFO] [util.rs:567] ["all PD endpoints are consistent"] [endpoints="[\"http://basic-pd:2379\"]"]
[2022/12/29 02:07:12.041 +00:00] [INFO] [server.rs:369] ["connect to PD cluster"] [cluster_id=7182053587741419436]
[2022/12/29 02:07:12.041 +00:00] [INFO] [config.rs:2041] ["readpool.storage.use-unified-pool is not set, set to true by default"]
[2022/12/29 02:07:12.041 +00:00] [INFO] [config.rs:2064] ["readpool.coprocessor.use-unified-pool is not set, set to true by default"]
[2022/12/29 02:07:12.042 +00:00] [FATAL] [setup.rs:304] ["invalid configuration: Found raft data set when it should not exist."]