DM Web创建任务失败


code=26005:class=dm-master:scope=internal:level=medium], Message: fail to check synchronization configuration with type: check was failed, please see detail detail: { “results”: [ { “id”: 10, “name”: “sharding table tidb_simulation.* consistency checking”, “desc”: “check consistency of sharding table structures”, “state”: “fail”, “errors”: [ { “severity”: “fail”, “short_error”: “sourceID 10_21_82_28 table simulation.data_exchange_task of sharding tidb_simulation.* have auto-increment key, please make sure them don’t conflict in target table!” }, { “severity”: “fail”, “short_error”: “sourceID 10_21_82_28 table simulation.progress of sharding tidb_simulation.* have auto-increment key, please make sure them don’t conflict in target table!” }, { “severity”: “fail”, “short_error”: “column length mismatch (self: 13 vs other: 7)”, “self”: “sourceID 10_21_82_28 table simulation.data_exchange_task columns [id gmt_create gmt_modify simulation_uuid fetch_data_task_id status job_key out_status attribute request attribute_version finish_time task_type]”, “other”: “sourceID 10_21_82_28 table simulation.progress columns [id task_uuid total current_value gmt_create gmt_modify biz_type]” }, { “severity”: “fail”, “short_error”: “sourceID 10_21_82_28 table simulation.sample of sharding tidb_simulation.* have auto-increment key, please make sure them don’t conflict in target table!” }, { “severity”: “fail”, “short_error”: “column length mismatch (self: 13 vs other: 33)”, “self”: “sourceID 10_21_82_28 table simulation.data_exchange_task columns [id gmt_create gmt_modify simulation_uuid fetch_data_task_id status job_key out_status attribute request attribute_version finish_time task_type]”, “other”: “sourceID 10_21_82_28 table simulation.sample columns [id uuid name partner_code app_name app_type event_type status reason total white_total black_total default_total create_by history gmt_create gmt_modify gmt_success description history_draw statistic gmt_start gmt_end partner_display_name app_display_name event_display_name params attribute attribute_version source test_id encryption encryption_param]” }, { “severity”: “fail”, “short_error”: “sourceID 10_21_82_28 table simulation.sample_data of sharding tidb_simulation.* have auto-increment key, please make sure them don’t conflict in target table!” }, { “severity”: “fail”, “short_error”: “column length mismatch (self: 13 vs other: 12)”, “self”: “sourceID 10_21_82_28 table simulation.data_exchange_task columns [id gmt_create gmt_modify simulation_uuid fetch_data_task_id status job_key out_status attribute request attribute_version finish_time task_type]”, “other”: “sourceID 10_21_82_28 table simulation.sample_data columns [id uuid sample_uuid seq_id data_type event_occur_time event_data final_score final_decision gmt_create gmt_modify custom_matching_id]” }, { “severity”: “fail”, “short_error”: “sourceID 10_21_82_28 table simulation.dc_account of sharding tidb_simulation.* have auto-increment key, please make sure them don’t conflict in target table!” }, { “severity”: “fail”, “short_error”: “column length mismatch (self: 13 vs other: 8)”, “self”: “sourceID 10_21_82_28 table simulation.data_exchange_task columns [id gmt_create gmt_modify simulation_uuid fetch_data_task_id status job_key out_status attribute request attribute_version finish_time task_type]”, “other”: “sourceID 10_21_82_28 table simulation.dc_account columns [id gmt_create gmt_modify account app_key app_secret status priority]” }, { “severity”: “fail”, “short_error”: “sourceID 10_21_82_28 table simulation.simulation of sharding tidb_simulation.* have auto-increment key, please make sure them don’t conflict in target table!” } ], “instruction”: “please set same table structure for sharding tables”, “extra”: “error on sharding tidb_simulation.*” } ], “summary”: { “passed”: false, “total”: 11, “successful”: 10, “failed”: 1, “warning”: 0 } }

“sourceID 10_21_82_28 table simulation . data_exchange_task of sharding tidb_simulation . * have auto-increment key, please make sure them don’t conflict in target table!”








