【现象】一共三个kv节点,其中一个忽然down 了,怎么也启动不起来,磁盘空间还剩一半多,内存32G
【报错】[2021/07/30 07:22:37.372 -04:00] [ERROR] [server.rs:866] [“failed to init io snooper”] [err_code=KV:Unknown] [err=“"IO snooper is not started due to not compiling with BCC"”]
[2021/07/30 07:22:37.372 -04:00] [FATAL] [server.rs:362] [“panic_mark_file /tidb/tidb-data/tikv-20160/panic_mark_file exists, there must be something wrong with the db. Do not remove the panic_mark_file and force the TiKV node to restart. Please contact TiKV maintainers to investigate the issue. If needed, use scale in and scale out to replace the TiKV node. https://docs.pingcap.com/tidb/stable/scale-tidb-using-tiup”]
tikv.log.zip (633.4 KB)
【TiDB 版本】v5.0.8