mysql5.7.32切到 tidb5.0.1后,有很多这样报错Could not create JDBC savepoint

【 TiDB 使用环境】

【概述】 场景 + 问题概述


【背景】 做过哪些操作

【现象】 业务和数据库现象

【问题】 当前遇到的问题

org.springframework.transaction.CannotCreateTransactionException: Could not create JDBC savepoint; nested exception is java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your TiDB version for the right syntax to use line 1 column 9 near "SAVEPOINT SAVEPOINT_1"

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your TiDB version for the right syntax to use line 1 column 9 near "SAVEPOINT SAVEPOINT_1"

【TiDB 版本】
【附件】 相关日志及监控(


3 个赞

语法错误,建议找到对应的 SQL(程序或 tidb- server 日志里,应该有记录)

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    select gg.SCGG_TYWYSBM as id, SC_TYWYSBM as materialId, SCPP_TYWYSBM as brandId, SCPP_MC as brandName,
    JLDLDW as unit, d1.ZDMC as normName, GG_SZ as normNum, GG_DW as normUnit, d2.ZDMC as normUnitName,
    BZZL_SZ as standWeight, gg.JG_TYWYSBM as orgId
    from hs_sc_gg gg
    left join sys_dict d1 on d1.ZDM = 'canMaterialUnit' and gg.JLDLDW = d1.ZDZ
    left join sys_dict d2 on d2.ZDM = 'normUnit' and gg.GG_DW = d2.ZDZ
    where gg.SCBS = '0' and gg.SC_TYWYSBM = #{materialId}
    and (((gg.JG_TYWYSBM is null or gg.JG_TYWYSBM = '') and JLDLDW in ('1','99')) or gg.JG_TYWYSBM = #{orgId})
    order by gg.JG_TYWYSBM, gg.SCPP_TYWYSBM
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org.springframework.transaction.CannotCreateTransactionException: Could not create JDBC savepoint; nested exception is java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your TiDB version for the right syntax to use line 1 column 9 near "SAVEPOINT SAVEPOINT_1"


hs_sc_gg.sql (4.0 KB)

这个报错和上面说的 SQL 语句没关系吧(建议你打开 general log ,看看报错的这个连接是那个程序链接过来的,看看 SQL语句: SAVEPOINT SAVEPOINT_1 是怎么生成的

你程序用的什么框架?以前版本不报错吗(tidb 不支持 savepoint 的)(建议你确认一下程序是否有变动/新上线之类)


1 个赞

额,你是刚从 mysql 迁移到 tidb 啊,tidb 不支持 savepoint 语法的,不支持的功能特性

已解决,是service里@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.NESTED, isolation = Isolation.DEFAULT, rollbackFor = Exception.class)标签的问题

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您好,我们目前对 savepoint 有了明确的支持计划,不出意外的话会在 TiDB v6.2 正式支持:,如果需要的话还请关注下。

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