dm-master和dm-worker 同时宕机, 同步的子任务 同步报错

【 TiDB 使用环境】生产\测试环境\ POC
【 TiDB 版本】dm 2.0.7 版本
【遇到的问题】dm-master和dm-worker 同时宕机,机器启动后 同步的10个子任务 有2个子任务同步报错。请教子任务如何修复
“result”: true,
“msg”: “”,
“sourceStatus”: {
“source”: “source_tally1”,
“worker”: “dm-”,
“result”: null,
“relayStatus”: null
“subTaskStatus”: [
“name”: “task_new”,
“stage”: “Paused”,
“unit”: “Sync”,
“result”: {
“isCanceled”: false,
“errors”: [
“ErrCode”: 10006,
“ErrClass”: “database”,
“ErrScope”: “not-set”,
“ErrLevel”: “high”,
“Message”: “startLocation: [position: (, 0), gtid-set: ], endLocation: [position: (binlog.xxxx, xxxx), gtid-set: ]: execute statement failed: commit”,
“RawCause”: “Error 1062: Duplicate entry ‘3459239597’ for key ‘uniq_guid’”,
“Workaround”: “”
“detail”: null
“unresolvedDDLLockID”: “”,
“sync”: {
“totalEvents”: “20674”,
“totalTps”: “344”,
“recentTps”: “0”,
“masterBinlog”: “(binlog.xxxx, xxxx)”,
“masterBinlogGtid”: “”,
“syncerBinlog”: “(binlog.xxxx, xxxx)”,
“syncerBinlogGtid”: “”,
“blockingDDLs”: [
“unresolvedGroups”: [
“synced”: false,
“binlogType”: “remote”,
“secondsBehindMaster”: “0”

        "result": true,
        "msg": "",
        "sourceStatus": {
            "source": "source_7",
            "worker": "dm-",
            "result": {
                "isCanceled": false,
                "errors": [
                        "ErrCode": 40071,
                        "ErrClass": "dm-worker",
                        "ErrScope": "internal",
                        "ErrLevel": "high",
                        "Message": "mysql source worker dm- has already started with source source_abc, but get a request with source source_7",
                        "RawCause": "",
                        "Workaround": "Please try restart this DM-worker"
                "detail": null
            "relayStatus": null
        "subTaskStatus": [
                "name": "task_new",
                "stage": "InvalidStage",
                "unit": "InvalidUnit",
                "result": null,
                "unresolvedDDLLockID": "",
                "msg": "no sub task with name task_new has started"



Error 1062: Duplicate entry ‘3459239597’ for key ‘uniq_guid

这里看出是 duplicate key,所以 syncer 的状态是 Paused。您描述的宕机请问是在任务 Paused 之后自动发生的吗?

目前修复好了, 是dm-master和dm-worker同时宕机导致的,感谢。

1 个赞

DM 集群可以部署冗余 master、worker 节点从而做到高可用,感谢您的反馈!