{“Em-X-Trace-Id”:“tBj7zZHzTBC5-B7brX6Xpg”,“level”:“info”,“msg”:“workflow VPfZGDrcS-ijQgjrfALIew of bizId FkEJr-cTSYewYvXvAmzMHw do node prepare failed, [30129]host is not expected as import file\tcall deployment serv to apply host tikv01.prod.dc.dcits.com [\
user: hadoop\
group: hadoop\
ssh_port: 22\
arch: amd64\
- host:\
data_dir: /data1/tikv_data\
deploy_dir: /data1/tikv_deploy\
port: 12000\
status_port: 13000\
] failed, exit status 1.\
detail info: Please check for root manifest file, you may download one from the repository mirror, or try tiup mirror set to force reset it.\
Error: initial repository from mirror(https://tiup-mirrors.pingcap.com/) failed: error loading manifest root.json: open /home/hadoop/.tiup/bin/root.json: no such file or directory\
[30130]install filebeat on host failed precheck join em cluster em-prod failed, exit status 1.
detail info: tiup is checking updates for component em …
A new version of em is available:
The latest version: v1.0.2
Local installed version:
Update current component: tiup update em
Update all components: tiup update --all
The component em version is not installed; downloading from repository.
Starting component em: /home/hadoop/.em/components/em/v1.0.2/tiup-em /home/hadoop/.em/components/em/v1.0.2/tiup-em display em-prod --json --wait-timeout 360 --yes
Error: em cluster em-prod not exists
Verbose debug logs has been written to /home/hadoop/.em/logs/tiup-cluster-debug-2022-09-05-18-06-29.log.