TiCDC无法同步,不断打告警日志【etcd client outCh blocking too long】

Bug 反馈
[2022/08/04 12:57:58.458 +08:00] [WARN] [client.go:226] [“etcd client outCh blocking too long, the etcdWorker may be stuck”] [duration=6m47.000178785s]
[2022/08/04 12:57:59.459 +08:00] [WARN] [client.go:226] [“etcd client outCh blocking too long, the etcdWorker may be stuck”] [duration=6m48.000280576s]
[2022/08/04 12:57:59.683 +08:00] [WARN] [pd.go:152] [“get timestamp too slow”] [“cost time”=45.076429ms]
[2022/08/04 12:57:59.904 +08:00] [WARN] [pd.go:152] [“get timestamp too slow”] [“cost time”=37.090199ms]
[2022/08/04 12:58:00.461 +08:00] [WARN] [client.go:226] [“etcd client outCh blocking too long, the etcdWorker may be stuck”] [duration=6m49.000366276s]
[2022/08/04 12:58:01.460 +08:00] [WARN] [client.go:226] [“etcd client outCh blocking too long, the etcdWorker may be stuck”] [duration=6m50.00107932s]
[2022/08/04 12:58:01.684 +08:00] [WARN] [pd.go:152] [“get timestamp too slow”] [“cost time”=44.845857ms]
[2022/08/04 12:58:02.463 +08:00] [WARN] [client.go:226] [“etcd client outCh blocking too long, the etcdWorker may be stuck”] [duration=6m51.003510069s]
[2022/08/04 12:58:03.460 +08:00] [WARN] [client.go:226] [“etcd client outCh blocking too long, the etcdWorker may be stuck”] [duration=6m52.000887s]
[2022/08/04 12:58:03.705 +08:00] [WARN] [pd.go:152] [“get timestamp too slow”] [“cost time”=63.252634ms]
[2022/08/04 12:58:04.460 +08:00] [WARN] [client.go:226] [“etcd client outCh blocking too long, the etcdWorker may be stuck”] [duration=6m53.001369753s]
[2022/08/04 12:58:04.899 +08:00] [WARN] [pd.go:152] [“get timestamp too slow”] [“cost time”=30.828216ms]
[2022/08/04 12:58:05.472 +08:00] [WARN] [client.go:226] [“etcd client outCh blocking too long, the etcdWorker may be stuck”] [duration=6m54.013293945s]
[2022/08/04 12:58:06.070 +08:00] [WARN] [pd.go:152] [“get timestamp too slow”] [“cost time”=202.76737ms]
[2022/08/04 12:58:06.574 +08:00] [INFO] [gc_manager.go:95] [“update gc safe point success”] [gcSafePointTs=435049566220845070]
[2022/08/04 12:58:06.473 +08:00] [WARN] [client.go:226] [“etcd client outCh blocking too long, the etcdWorker may be stuck”] [duration=6m55.013725108s]
[2022/08/04 12:58:06.973 +08:00] [WARN] [etcd_worker.go:242] [“EtcdWorker reactor tick took too long”] [duration=1.099883211s]
[2022/08/04 12:58:07.471 +08:00] [WARN] [client.go:226] [“etcd client outCh blocking too long, the etcdWorker may be stuck”] [duration=6m56.012156186s]
[2022/08/04 12:58:07.974 +08:00] [WARN] [pd.go:152] [“get timestamp too slow”] [“cost time”=301.402231ms]
[2022/08/04 12:58:08.475 +08:00] [WARN] [client.go:226] [“etcd client outCh blocking too long, the etcdWorker may be stuck”] [duration=6m57.014853091s]
[2022/08/04 12:58:09.475 +08:00] [WARN] [client.go:226] [“etcd client outCh blocking too long, the etcdWorker may be stuck”] [duration=6m58.015374924s]
[2022/08/04 12:58:09.977 +08:00] [WARN] [pd.go:152] [“get timestamp too slow”] [“cost time”=305.064764ms]
[2022/08/04 12:58:10.286 +08:00] [WARN] [pd.go:152] [“get timestamp too slow”] [“cost time”=413.557972ms]
[2022/08/04 12:58:10.472 +08:00] [WARN] [client.go:226] [“etcd client outCh blocking too long, the etcdWorker may be stuck”] [duration=6m59.013027649s]
[2022/08/04 12:58:11.475 +08:00] [WARN] [client.go:226] [“etcd client outCh blocking too long, the etcdWorker may be stuck”] [duration=7m0.014256544s]
[2022/08/04 12:58:11.980 +08:00] [WARN] [pd.go:152] [“get timestamp too slow”] [“cost time”=308.613023ms]
[2022/08/04 12:58:12.472 +08:00] [WARN] [client.go:226] [“etcd client outCh blocking too long, the etcdWorker may be stuck”] [duration=7m1.01316464s]
[2022/08/04 12:58:13.472 +08:00] [WARN] [client.go:226] [“etcd client outCh blocking too long, the etcdWorker may be stuck”] [duration=7m2.013068431s]
[2022/08/04 12:58:14.169 +08:00] [WARN] [pd.go:152] [“get timestamp too slow”] [“cost time”=421.821201ms]
[2022/08/04 12:58:14.481 +08:00] [WARN] [client.go:226] [“etcd client outCh blocking too long, the etcdWorker may be stuck”] [duration=7m3.020356992s]
[2022/08/04 12:58:15.472 +08:00] [WARN] [pd.go:152] [“get timestamp too slow”] [“cost time”=496.220816ms]
[2022/08/04 12:58:15.572 +08:00] [WARN] [client.go:226] [“etcd client outCh blocking too long, the etcdWorker may be stuck”] [duration=7m4.022665646s]
[2022/08/04 12:58:15.882 +08:00] [WARN] [pd.go:152] [“get timestamp too slow”] [“cost time”=207.892528ms]
[2022/08/04 12:58:16.772 +08:00] [WARN] [client.go:226] [“etcd client outCh blocking too long, the etcdWorker may be stuck”] [duration=7m5.014009888s]
[2022/08/04 12:58:17.459 +08:00] [WARN] [client.go:226] [“etcd client outCh blocking too long, the etcdWorker may be stuck”] [duration=7m6.000009987s]
[2022/08/04 12:58:17.680 +08:00] [WARN] [pd.go:152] [“get timestamp too slow”] [“cost time”=40.817981ms]
[2022/08/04 12:58:18.460 +08:00] [WARN] [client.go:226] [“etcd client outCh blocking too long, the etcdWorker may be stuck”] [duration=7m7.000881081s]
【 TiDB 版本】
【 Bug 的影响】





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