请问 tiflash 有计划支持枚举类型的下推计算么?

请问 tiflash 有计划支持枚举类型的下推计算么?

explain WITH orders_group_by_month …

Warning (Code 1105): Expression about ‘bookshop.books.type’ can not be pushed to TiFlash because it contains unsupported calculation of type ‘enum’.
Warning (Code 1105): Aggregation can not be pushed to tiflash because arguments of AggFunc firstrow contains unsupported exprs
Warning (Code 1105): Expression about ‘bookshop.books.type’ can not be pushed to TiFlash because it contains unsupported calculation of type ‘enum’.
Warning (Code 1105): Expression about ‘bookshop.books.type’ can not be pushed to TiFlash because it contains unsupported calculation of type ‘enum’.
Warning (Code 1105): Expression about ‘bookshop.books.type’ can not be pushed to TiFlash because it contains unsupported calculation of type ‘enum’.




1 个赞

emu 将来会支持的。

Warning (Code 1105): Aggregation can not be pushed to tiflash because arguments of AggFunc firstrow contains unsupported exprs

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