
[Ice\Frame\Runner\Daemon->dispatch()]","/home/ldap/luohaiyan/codes/app-finance/src/daemon/cli.php:4[Ice\Frame\Runner\Daemon->run()]"],“user_log”:{“errno”:2,“errstr”:“mysqli::query(): (HY000/1105): other error: [src/storage/kv/]: RocksDb IO error: While pread offset 45056 len 20647: /home/tidb/ssd/nice-cluster/data/tikv_6001/db/31883293.sst: Input/output error”,“errfile”:"/home/ldap/luohaiyan/codes/app-finance/vendor/nice/lib/src/lib/TidbConnect.php",“errline”:36}}

set @startTime=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(‘2020-09-09’);
set @endTime=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(‘2020-09-10’);
SELECT order_id as 订单ID,时间,账号,退款类型,退款金额,状态 from (
SELECT order_id,FROM_UNIXTIME(payed_time) as 时间,
WHEN account_id IN (‘2088121298071834’) THEN ‘bjhaozan1’
WHEN account_id IN (‘2088531527032912’) THEN ‘bjjizan2’
WHEN account_id IN (‘2088531766723712’) THEN ‘bjjizan4’
WHEN account_id IN (‘802210253110517’) THEN ‘云闪付’
WHEN account_id IS NULL THEN ‘财务收款’
ELSE account_id END as 账号,
WHEN type in (‘storage_fee’,‘storage_fee_apply’) then ‘寄存费’
WHEN type like ‘free_storage_fee%’ then ‘寄存费限免’
WHEN type like ‘free_storage%’ then ‘仓储费减免’
WHEN type like ‘%free_stamp%’ then ‘免邮卷费’
WHEN type in (‘packing’,‘packing_apply’) then ‘包装费’
WHEN type in (‘appraisal_fee’,‘appraisal_fee_apply’,‘inspection_fee’,‘inspection_fee_apply’) then ‘商品查验费’
WHEN type in (‘examine’) then ‘线上鉴定费’
WHEN type in (‘poundage’) then ‘手续费’
WHEN type in (‘service_fee’) then ‘速达服务费’
WHEN type in (‘substitute_fee’) then ‘代发服务费’
WHEN type in (‘tech_ser_fee’) then ‘技术服务费’
WHEN type in (‘transfer_fee’) then ‘银行转账费’
WHEN type in (‘express_fee’,‘custom’) then ‘快递费收入’
WHEN type in (‘straight_express_fee’) then ‘直送快递费收入’
WHEN type in (‘purchase_refund’) then ‘暂时收入(退买家)’
WHEN type in (‘diff_money’) then ‘差异金额费’
WHEN type in (‘bid_deposit’,‘pur_deposit’) then ‘定金收入费(买家缴纳)’
WHEN type in (‘deposit’) then ‘保证金收入费(卖家缴纳)’
WHEN type in (‘honest_recharge’) then ‘诚信账户充值费’
WHEN type in (‘postage’) then ‘海外仓退货卖家支付邮费’
WHEN type in (‘storange_back’) then ‘寄存召回费用’
WHEN type in (‘storage_revewal’,‘batch_revewal’) then ‘寄存-支付续租费’
WHEN type in (‘recharge’) then ‘余额充值’
WHEN type in (‘buyer_seller_penalty’) then ‘违约金费-用户’
WHEN type in (‘buyer_order_penalty’) then ‘违约金费-nice’
WHEN type in (‘real_income’) then ‘真实收入(给卖家)’
WHEN type in (‘nice_express’) then ‘支付邮费’
WHEN type in (‘postage’) then ‘退货邮费’
WHEN type in (‘fee_apply’) then ‘寄存成功退卖家服务费押金’
WHEN type in (‘debit_note_1’) then ‘后台收用户款-运费’
WHEN type in (‘debit_note_2’) then ‘后台收用户款-商品款’
WHEN type in (‘b5_free_stamp’) then ‘活动及优惠券补贴’
WHEN type like ‘cp_%’ or type like ‘dt_%’ or type like 'examine_%'or type like ‘20200519_520_makeups_%’ then ‘活动及优惠券补贴’
WHEN type in (‘coupon_fee’,‘ershou_10’,‘lucky_money_assist_risk’,‘ac_poundage’,‘free_poundage’,‘discover_coupon_50’) then ‘活动及优惠券补贴’
WHEN type like ‘free_poundage%’ or type like ‘free_service_fee%’ or type like ‘free_tech_ser_fee%’ or type like ‘free_transfer_fee%’ then ‘活动及优惠券补贴’
WHEN amount > 0 then ‘活动及优惠券补贴’
WHEN amount < 0 then ‘服务费’
ELSE ‘其他’ END as 退款类型,
amount/100 as 退款金额,
when source in (1) then ‘充值成功’
when source in (3) then ‘退款成功’
else ‘其他’ end as 状态
FROM nice_bill.kk_fee_detail
where payed_time>=@startTime and payed_time<@endTime and source=3 and type not in (‘purchase_refund’,‘purchase_v1’)
union all
order_id,FROM_UNIXTIME(refund_time, ‘%Y%m%d’) as 时间,
WHEN account_id IN (‘2088121298071834’) THEN ‘bjhaozan1’
WHEN account_id IN (‘2088531527032912’) THEN ‘bjjizan2’
WHEN account_id IN (‘2088531766723712’) THEN ‘bjjizan4’
WHEN account_id IN (‘802210253110517’) THEN ‘云闪付’
WHEN account_id IS NULL THEN ‘财务收款’
ELSE account_id END as 账号,
WHEN order_type like ‘apply_storage%’ THEN ‘寄存保证金’
WHEN order_type IN (‘bid_deposit’, ‘deposit’,‘pur_deposit’) THEN ‘保证金/定金’
WHEN order_type IN (‘honest_recharge’) THEN ‘诚信账户’
WHEN order_type in (‘examine’) then ‘线上鉴定费’
ELSE ‘其他’ END as 退款类型,
-abs(amount)/100 as 退款金额,
‘退款成功’ as 状态
from sneaker.kk_order_refund
where refund_time>=@startTime and refund_time<@endTime and status = ‘success’ and order_type not in (‘purchase’,‘purchase_v1’)
) as a;

  1. 集群版本是多少?
  2. RocksDb IO error: While pread offset 45056 len 20647: /home/tidb/ssd/nice-cluster/data/tikv_6001/db/31883293.sst: Input/output error” 从报错信息看是在读写文件的时候报错的,是 Linux 操作系统报上来的 Input/output error 错误,建议可以查看下 /var/log/messages 信息,看下是否有磁盘错误

