
go test -v 有很多依赖加不完

  • 该问题已经被回复了。

如果不涉及 failpoint 的测试,可以

cd tidb/kv
go test -check.f TestBasicFunc

如果涉及 failpoint 的,可以

make failpoint-enable
cd tidb/kv
go test -check.f TestXXX
cd …
make failpoint-disable

but me failed and even tell me “flag provided but not defined: -check”,is it really in windows platform?

PS D:\Repository\go\src\xiaofeitu2-tidb\expression> go test -check.f TestOct

flag provided but not defined: -check
Usage of C:\Users\xiaof\AppData\Local\Temp\go-build146592322\b001\expression.test.exe:
Run benchmarks
Report memory benchmarks
-check.btime duration
approximate run time for each benchmark (default 1s)
-check.exclude string
Regular expression to exclude tests to run
-check.f string
Regular expression selecting which tests and/or suites to run
List the names of all tests that will be run
Run suites in parallel
-check.timeout duration
timeout value for each function
Verbose mode
Super verbose mode (disables output caching)
Display and do not remove the test working directory
Run benchmarks
-gocheck.btime duration
approximate run time for each benchmark (default 1s)
-gocheck.f string
Regular expression selecting which tests and/or suites to run
List the names of all tests that will be run
Verbose mode
Super verbose mode (disables output caching)
Display and do not remove the test working directory
to generate test result
-test.bench regexp
run only benchmarks matching regexp
print memory allocations for benchmarks
-test.benchtime d
run each benchmark for duration d (default 1s)
-test.blockprofile file
write a goroutine blocking profile to file
-test.blockprofilerate rate
set blocking profile rate (see runtime.SetBlockProfileRate) (default 1)
-test.count n
run tests and benchmarks n times (default 1)
-test.coverprofile file
write a coverage profile to file
-test.cpu list
comma-separated list of cpu counts to run each test with
-test.cpuprofile file
write a cpu profile to file
do not start new tests after the first test failure
-test.list regexp
list tests, examples, and benchmarks matching regexp then exit
-test.memprofile file
write an allocation profile to file
-test.memprofilerate rate
set memory allocation profiling rate (see runtime.MemProfileRate)
-test.mutexprofile string
write a mutex contention profile to the named file after execution
-test.mutexprofilefraction int
if >= 0, calls runtime.SetMutexProfileFraction() (default 1)
-test.outputdir dir
write profiles to dir
-test.parallel n
run at most n tests in parallel (default 8) regexp
run only tests and examples matching regexp
run smaller test suite to save time
-test.testlogfile file
write test action log to file (for use only by cmd/go)
-test.timeout d
panic test binary after duration d (default 0, timeout disabled)
-test.trace file
write an execution trace to file
verbose: print additional output
exit status 2
FAIL 1.524s

  • 你是自定义函数吗?我在学习,感觉看不懂,一起学习
  • 我的可以



vscode 不是用自带的终端吗?怎么会有powershell。