tidb重启报错tikv failed to start: timed out waiting for port 20160 to be started after 1m0s

集群先是4000端口不能访问 然后重启报错
Error: failed to restart: failed to start: failed to start tikv: tikv failed to start: timed out waiting for port 20160 to be started after 1m0s, please check the log of the instance: timed out waiting for port 20160 to be started after 1m0s

Verbose debug logs has been written to /home/tidb/logs/tiup-cluster-debug-2020-08-15-22-39-44.log.
Error: run /home/tidb/.tiup/components/cluster/v1.0.7/tiup-cluster (wd:/home/tidb/.tiup/data/S7kCvSx) failed: exit status 1

tiup-cluster-debug-2020-08-15-22-39-44.log (58.6 KB)

说明对应的这个 TiKV 实例启动失败了,建议排查一下 tikv 的日志,有没有异常报错。

额 刚开始接触tidb 昨天开发组长自己搞好了 先缩容,再扩容