lightning导入数据,backend选择tidb,提示"invalid `tidb.port` setting"

“invalid tidb.port setting”

使用了下lightning , bankend选择import,没问题。换成tidb,就提示端口不对。

# Default values for tidb-lightning.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.

# timezone is the default system timzone
timezone: UTC

image: pingcap/tidb-lightning:v4.0.0
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# imagePullSecrets: []

  type: NodePort

# failFast causes the lightning pod fails when any error happens.
# when disabled, the lightning pod will keep running when error happens to allow manual intervention, users have to check logs to see the job status.
failFast: true

    hostPath: /tmp/test 
  # The backup data is on a PVC which is from tidb-backup or scheduled backup, and is not uploaded to cloud storage yet.
  # Note: when using this mode, the lightning needs to be deployed in the same namespace as the PVC
  # and the `targetTidbCluster.namespace` needs to be configured explicitly
  adhoc: {}
    # pvcName: tidb-cluster-scheduled-backup
    # backupName: scheduled-backup-20190822-041004
    rcloneImage: pingcap/tidb-cloud-backup:20200229
    storageClassName: local-ssd
    storage: 100Gi
    secretName: cloud-storage-secret
    path: s3:bench-data-us/sysbench/sbtest_16_1e7.tar.gz
    # Directory support downloading all files in a remote directory, shadow dataSoure.remote.path if present
    # directory: s3:bench-data-us
    # If rcloneConfig is configured, then `secretName` will be ignored,
    # `rcloneConfig` should only be used for the cases where no sensitive
    # information need to be configured, e.g. the configuration as below,
    # the Pod will get the credentials from the infrastructure.
    #rcloneConfig: |
    #  [s3]
    #  type = s3
    #  provider = AWS
    #  env_auth = true
    #  region = us-west-2

  name: demo 
  # namespace is the target tidb cluster namespace, can be omitted if the lightning is deployed in the same namespace of the target tidb cluster
  namespace: lxnamespace
  user: root
  #password: Testtest1
  #port: 4000  #加了port也不行
  #status-port: 10080
  # If the `secretName` and `secretUserKey` are set,
  # the `user` will be ignored and the user in the
  # `secretName` will be used by lightning.
  # If the `secretName` and `secretPwdKey` are set, the
  # password in the `secretName` will be used by lightning.
  secretName: tidb-secret 
  #secretUserKey: root 
  secretPwdKey: root 

resources: {}
  # limits:
  #  cpu: 16000m
  #  memory: 8Gi
  # requests:
  #  cpu: 16000m
  #  memory: 8Gi

nodeSelector: {}

annotations: {}

tolerations: []
affinity: {}

backend: tidb #importer # importer | tidb

# Specify a Service Account for lightning
# serviceAccount:

config: |
  level = "info"


(主要是看yaml和错误日志不知道改怎么改:smile: !)

可以更新一下 values.yaml, 设置一下 tidb 端口, 类似如下:

config: |
  log-level = "info"
  job = "tikv-importer"
  interval = "15s"
  address = "localhost:9091"
  port = 4000  


@XiaoGe2030 请问,当前问题是否已经解决了呢。



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