tiflash 副本不可用。监控页面 Tiflash-Summary 中没有数据

tiflash 安装成功但是监控页面 Tiflash-Summary没有数据,且tiflash 副本总不可用



2020.07.18 16:51:31.770290 [ 1 ] <Warning> pingcap.tikv: region {6,5,2} find error: peer is not leader for region 6, leader may Some(id: 46 store_id: 4)


2020.07.18 16:53:39.320648 [ 23 ] <Debug> PageStorage: db_49.t_627.log gcApply remove 1 invalid snapshots.
2020.07.18 16:53:39.320675 [ 23 ] <Information> PageStorage: db_49.t_627.log GC exit within 0.00 sec. PageFiles from [13,0,Legacy] to [15,0,Legacy], size: 3, compact legacy archive files: 3, remove data files: 0, gc apply: 0 puts and 0 refs and 0 deletes and 0 upserts
2020.07.18 16:53:40.081354 [ 29 ] <Information> PageStorage: db_49.t_1031.log Compact legacy PageFile [(13,0),(14,0),(15,0),] and old checkpoint: (none) into checkpoint PageFile_15_0 with 0 puts and 0 refs and 0 deletes and 0 upserts sequence: 0
2020.07.18 16:53:40.082960 [ 29 ] <Information> PageStorage: db_49.t_1031.log archive 3 files to /home/tidb-data/tiflash-9000/data/t_1031/log/archive
2020.07.18 16:53:40.082989 [ 29 ] <Debug> PageStorage: db_49.t_1031.log DataCompactor::tryMigrate exit without compaction, candidates size: 0, total byte size: 0, low_used_file_num: 10, low_use_file_total_size: 134217728
2020.07.18 16:53:40.083003 [ 29 ] <Debug> PageStorage: db_49.t_1031.log gcApply remove 1 invalid snapshots.
2020.07.18 16:53:40.083030 [ 29 ] <Information> PageStorage: db_49.t_1031.log GC exit within 0.00 sec. PageFiles from [13,0,Legacy] to [15,0,Legacy], size: 3, compact legacy archive files: 3, remove data files: 0, gc apply: 0 puts and 0 refs and 0 deletes and 0 upserts
2020.07.18 16:53:40.957794 [ 21 ] <Information> PageStorage: db_49.t_987.log Compact legacy PageFile [(13,0),(14,0),(15,0),] and old checkpoint: (none) into checkpoint PageFile_15_0 with 0 puts and 0 refs and 0 deletes and 0 upserts sequence: 0
2020.07.18 16:53:40.959624 [ 21 ] <Information> PageStorage: db_49.t_987.log archive 3 files to /home/tidb-data/tiflash-9000/data/t_987/log/archive
2020.07.18 16:53:40.959656 [ 21 ] <Debug> PageStorage: db_49.t_987.log DataCompactor::tryMigrate exit without compaction, candidates size: 0, total byte size: 0, low_used_file_num: 10, low_use_file_total_size: 134217728
2020.07.18 16:53:40.959673 [ 21 ] <Debug> PageStorage: db_49.t_987.log gcApply remove 1 invalid snapshots.
2020.07.18 16:53:40.959707 [ 21 ] <Information> PageStorage: db_49.t_987.log GC exit within 0.00 sec. PageFiles from [13,0,Legacy] to [15,0,Legacy], size: 3, compact legacy archive files: 3, remove data files: 0, gc apply: 0 puts and 0 refs and 0 deletes and 0 upserts
2020.07.18 17:01:13.853388 [ 4 ] <Debug> SchemaSyncService: Performing GC using safe point 418135977475440640
2020.07.18 17:01:13.853975 [ 4 ] <Debug> SchemaSyncService: Performed GC using safe point 418135977475440640

display 状态如下

store 状态

感谢~ ♪(・ω・)ノ

从现象看是 TiFlash 同步副本卡住,麻烦您尝试将版本从 v4.0.0 通过 TiUP 升级到 v4.0.2 版本以后,再确认一下 TiFlash 副本数是否开始补充。如果还是 TiFlash 复制不成功,麻烦发一下最新的 TiFlash 的 log 。

你好,从监控界面看,这个 TiFlash 节点没有正常接入集群,正常情况下应该可以看到 Uptime 和 Memory 的数据。如果可以请升级到最新版本,并且看一下 tiflash 目录下的其他日志,包括 tiflash_tikv.log 以及 tiflash_cluster_manager.log.

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