drainer 进程异常退出 报错errorVerbose=“not found table id


  • 【TiDB 版本】:3.0.9
  • 【问题描述】:

drainer1:同步id-mapping.t_uid_relation表到下游kafka的topic t_uid_relation中

该pump+drainer 配置正常 上游tidb写数据 能实时同步到下游对应topic中

同步开启一段时间后 因业务需要在qianqian_test中新建qianqian_t_uid_relation_copy1表 并且对这张表写数据 这个时候 两个drainer进程都挂了 并且报错:

[2020/07/14 13:35:57.627 +08:00] [INFO] [async_producer.go:717] ["[sarama] producer/broker/4 input chan closed\
[2020/07/14 13:35:57.627 +08:00] [INFO] [async_producer.go:801] ["[sarama] producer/broker/4 shut down\
[2020/07/14 13:35:57.627 +08:00] [INFO] [broker.go:253] ["[sarama] Closed connection to broker kafka:9092\
[2020/07/14 13:35:57.627 +08:00] [ERROR] [server.go:279] [“syncer exited abnormal”] [error=“filterTable failed: not found table id: 4608”] [errorVerbose=“not found table id: 4608\[ngithub.com/pingcap/tidb-binlog/drainer.filterTable\
filterTable failed”]
[2020/07/14 13:35:57.627 +08:00] [INFO] [util.go:66] [Exit] [name=syncer]
[2020/07/14 13:35:57.627 +08:00] [INFO] [server.go:415] [“begin to close drainer server”]
[2020/07/14 13:35:57.627 +08:00] [INFO] [broker.go:253] ["[sarama] Closed connection to broker kafka:9092\



cat /data/pump/conf/pump.toml 
# pump Configuration

gc = 7
heartbeat-interval = 2

ssl-ca = ""
ssl-cert = ""
ssl-key = ""



# drainer Configuration.

# the interval time (in seconds) of detect pumps' status
detect-interval = 10

# Use the specified compressor algorithm to compress payload between pump and drainer
# compressor = "gzip"

# syncer Configuration.
# Assume the upstream sql-mode.
# If this is setted , drainer will use the sql-mode to parse DDL statment

# disable sync these schema

# number of binlog events in a transaction batch
txn-batch = 20

# work count to execute binlogs
# if the latency between drainer and downstream(mysql or tidb) are too high, you might want to increase this
# to get higher throughput by higher concurrent write to the downstream
worker-count = 16

# whether to disable the SQL feature of splitting a single binlog event.
# If it is set to "true", binlog events are restored to a single transaction for synchronization based on the order of binlogs.
# If the downstream service is MySQL, set it to "False".
disable-dispatch = false

# safe mode will split update to delete and insert
safe-mode = false

# downstream storage, equal to --dest-db-type
# valid values are "mysql", "file", "tidb", "flash", "kafka"
db-type = "kafka"

# ignore syncing the txn with specified commit ts to downstream
ignore-txn-commit-ts = []

# replicate-do-db priority over replicate-do-table if have same db name
# and we support regex expression , start with '~' declare use regex expression.
#replicate-do-db = ["qianqian_test"]
db-name ="id-mapping"
tbl-name = "t_id_mapping"

db-name ="id-mapping"
tbl-name = "t_uid_relation"

# disable sync these table
# [[syncer.ignore-table]]
# db-name = "test"
# tbl-name = "log"

# the downstream mysql protocol database
#host = ""
#user = "root"
#password = ""
#port = 3306

# Uncomment this if you want to use file as db-type.
# [syncer.to]
# dir = "data.drainer"

# when db-type is kafka, you can uncomment this to config the down stream kafka, it will be the globle config kafka default
# only need config one of zookeeper-addrs and kafka-addrs, will get kafka address if zookeeper-addrs is configed.
zookeeper-addrs = "zk1:2181,zk2:2181,zk3:2181"
kafka-addrs = "kafka:9092"
kafka-version = "1.0.1"
kafka-max-messages = 1024

# the topic name drainer will push msg, the default name is <cluster-id>_obinlog
# be careful don't use the same name if run multi drainer instances
topic-name = "topic t_uid_relation"


# drainer Configuration.

# the interval time (in seconds) of detect pumps' status
detect-interval = 10

# Use the specified compressor algorithm to compress payload between pump and drainer
# compressor = "gzip"

# syncer Configuration.
# Assume the upstream sql-mode.
# If this is setted , drainer will use the sql-mode to parse DDL statment

# disable sync these schema

# number of binlog events in a transaction batch
txn-batch = 20

# work count to execute binlogs
# if the latency between drainer and downstream(mysql or tidb) are too high, you might want to increase this
# to get higher throughput by higher concurrent write to the downstream
worker-count = 16

# whether to disable the SQL feature of splitting a single binlog event.
# If it is set to "true", binlog events are restored to a single transaction for synchronization based on the order of binlogs.
# If the downstream service is MySQL, set it to "False".
disable-dispatch = false

# safe mode will split update to delete and insert
safe-mode = false

# downstream storage, equal to --dest-db-type
# valid values are "mysql", "file", "tidb", "flash", "kafka"
db-type = "kafka"

# ignore syncing the txn with specified commit ts to downstream
ignore-txn-commit-ts = []

# replicate-do-db priority over replicate-do-table if have same db name
# and we support regex expression , start with '~' declare use regex expression.
#replicate-do-db = ["qianqian_test"]
db-name ="qianqian_test"
tbl-name = "qianqian_t_uid_relation"

#db-name ="id-mapping"
#tbl-name = "t_uid_relation"

# disable sync these table
# [[syncer.ignore-table]]
# db-name = "test"
# tbl-name = "log"

# the downstream mysql protocol database
#host = ""
#user = "root"
#password = ""
#port = 3306

# Uncomment this if you want to use file as db-type.
# [syncer.to]
# dir = "data.drainer"

# when db-type is kafka, you can uncomment this to config the down stream kafka, it will be the globle config kafka default
# only need config one of zookeeper-addrs and kafka-addrs, will get kafka address if zookeeper-addrs is configed.
zookeeper-addrs = "zk1:2181,zk2:2181,zk3:2181"
kafka-addrs = "kafka:9092"
kafka-version = "1.0.1"
kafka-max-messages = 1024

# the topic name drainer will push msg, the default name is <cluster-id>_obinlog
# be careful don't use the same name if run multi drainer instances
topic-name = "test-tidb-qianqian"



麻烦先确认下有没有 TiDB 没有开启 binlog,这样的话执行 DDL 的操作可能没有写 binlog


做上述测试时 都是使用的haproxy连接tidb~

这样还是有可能有问题的,因为 TiDB 集群只有一个 ddl owner,由这个 owner 来执行 ddl,并且写 binlog。

你这个场景可能会把 ddl owner 分配到未开启 binlog 的 TiDB 上,这样就没有产生 ddl 的 binlog,导致 drainer 遇到这个表相关的 binlog 都会报错。

  1. 可以确认一下 ddl owner 是否在未开启 binlog 的 TiDB 上
  2. 尝试重启 Drainer

ddl的owner是tidb内部自己选举的吗 启动的tidb-server都有可能被选举为ddl的owner是吗

我们这边都开启binlog 再做一次数据校准 谢谢你~~非常感谢 如果有tidbserver关于内部选举ddl owner的相关文档 可以推送给我么 再次感谢

是的,每个 TiDB 都有可能成为 ddl owner, 可以看这个博客 https://pingcap.com/blog-cn/tidb-source-code-reading-17/#ddl-in-tidb

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