courses/dss/raft/src/raft/ 编译出错:the `map_err` method cannot be invoked on a trait object

尝试做 courses/dss/raft test_2a,将 Raft::send_request_vote 方法中的注释解开,期望能正常调用RPC。 以下是 send_request_vote 的代码:

    fn send_request_vote(
        server: usize,
        args: &RequestVoteArgs,
    ) -> Receiver<Result<RequestVoteReply>> {
        // Your code here if you want the rpc becomes async.
        // Example:
        // ```
        // let peer = &self.peers[server];
        // let (tx, rx) = channel();
        // peer.spawn(
        //     peer.request_vote(&args)
        //         .map_err(Error::Rpc)
        //         .then(move |res| {
        //             tx.send(res);
        //             Ok(())
        //         }),
        // );
        // rx
        // ```
        let (tx, rx) = sync_channel::<Result<RequestVoteReply>>(1);
        // crate::your_code_here((server, args, tx, rx))
        let peer = &self.peers[server];
                .then(move |res| {

自己理解没有错的话,peer.request_vote 语句调用的是 raft/src/proto/ 中的代码

pub mod raftpb {
    include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));

    labrpc::service! {
        service raft {
            rpc request_vote(RequestVoteArgs) returns (RequestVoteReply);
            rpc heart_beat(AppendEntriesArgs) returns (AppendEntriesReply);

            // Your code here if more rpc desired.
            // rpc xxx(yyy) returns (zzz)
    pub use self::raft::{
        add_service as add_raft_service, Client as RaftClient, Service as RaftService,
  • request_vote 方法 return 的对象是 RpcFuture,也就是一个 Box 包装过的 FutureFuture 本身是有这个 map_err 方法的。
  • raft/ 也引入了 use labrpc::RpcFuture;
  • 整个 RPC 调用逻辑,我并没有做修改。只修改了以下文件
    • dss/raft/src/raft/
    • dss/raft/src/proto/raft.proto
    • dss/raft/src/proto/


执行命令 make test_2a 后,报错:

cargo fmt --all -- --check
cargo clippy --all --tests -- -D clippy::all
    Checking raft v0.1.0 (/Users/asiafrank/workspace/pingcap-talent-plan-learning/dss/raft)
error: the `map_err` method cannot be invoked on a trait object
   --> raft/src/raft/
208 |                 .map_err(Error::Rpc)
    |                  ^^^^^^^
   ::: /Users/asiafrank/.cargo/registry/src/
412 |               Self: Sized,
    |                     ----- this has a `Sized` requirement
    = note: another candidate was found in the following trait, perhaps add a `use` for it:
            `use crate::proto::raftpb::raft::__futures::Future;`
error: aborting due to 2 previous errors

error: could not compile `raft`.

To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.
make: *** [check] Error 101



use futures::Future; 

或者添加一行(如果使用的是最新的 master,>

use futures::future::FutureExt;

谢谢,使用 use futures::Future; 编译能过了。

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