$Bak_log 2>&1
[2022/01/07 15:31:57.787 +08:00] [WARN] [writer_util.go:181] [“fail to dumping table(chunk), will revert some metrics and start a retry if possible”] [database=yixintui_operate] [table=Agent_material_report_cost] [“finished rows”=784941] [“finished size”=339228293] [error=“Error 9005: Region is unavailable”]
/ # ./tikv-ctl --data-dir /data/tikv --config=/etc/tikv/tikv.toml bad-regions > /data/tikv/tikvlog/bad-regions.txt 2>&1
/ # more /data/tikv/tikvlog/bad-regions.txt
[2022/01/10 13:56:55.539 +08:00] [INFO] [mod.rs:118] [“encryption: none of key dictionary and file dictionary are found.”]
[2022/01/10 13:56:55.540 +08:00] [INFO] [mod.rs:479] [“encryption is disabled.”]
[2022/01/10 13:56:55.542 +08:00] [WARN] [config.rs:587] [“compaction guard is disabled due to region info provider not available”]
[2022/01/10 13:56:55.542 +08:00] [WARN] [config.rs:682] [“compaction guard is disabled due to region info provider not available”]
[2022/01/10 13:56:55.804 +08:00] [ERROR] [main.rs:80] [“error while open kvdb: Storage Engine IO error: While lock file: /data/tikv/db/LOCK: Resource temporarily unavailable”]
[2022/01/10 13:56:55.804 +08:00] [ERROR] [main.rs:83] [“LOCK file conflict indicates TiKV process is running. Do NOT delete the LOCK file and force the command to run. Doing so could cause data corruption.”]
/ # ./tikv-ctl --host xxx.xx.17.132:20160 consistency-check -r 32818892
[2022/01/10 14:59:32.476 +08:00] [INFO] [] [“TCP_USER_TIMEOUT is available. TCP_USER_TIMEOUT will be used thereafter”]
[2022/01/10 14:59:32.477 +08:00] [INFO] [] [“New connected subchannel at 0x7ff43962e150 for subchannel 0x7ff43c613240”]
DebugClient::check_region_consistency: RpcFailure: 2-UNKNOWN “Leader is on store 8”
太费劲了 有3000多个region ,没法统一查询检测
/ # ./tikv-ctl --host xx.xx.17.135:20160 consistency-check -r 32818892
[2022/01/10 15:00:36.666 +08:00] [INFO] [] [“TCP_USER_TIMEOUT is available. TCP_USER_TIMEOUT will be used thereafter”]
[2022/01/10 15:00:36.672 +08:00] [INFO] [] [“New connected subchannel at 0x7f23e362e150 for subchannel 0x7f23e6613240”] success!
dumpling 异常的时候 能不能打印具体哪个region is unavailable ?
dumpling 导出的时候能不能不要加 _tidb_rowid 和 order by
SELECT * FROM yixintui_operate.Agent_material_report_cost WHERE ( report_date >=‘2021-01-01’ and report_date <‘2021-02-01’ ) AND (_tidb_rowid>=3452416045 and _tidb_rowid<3452440709) ORDER BY _tidb_rowid