
  • 【TiDB 版本】:TiDB-v3.0.7
  • 【问题描述】:



[root@pd-tidbserver syncer]# cat syncer.log

encountered incompatible DDL in TiDB: create table fine_user (id varchar(255) not null, birthday datetime, creationType integer not null, description varchar(1000), email varchar(255), enable bit, language varchar(255), lastOperationType integer not null, male bit, mobile varchar(255), password varchar(255) not null, realName varchar(255), userName varchar(255) not null, workPhone varchar(255), primary key (id))
please confirm your DDL statement is correct and needed.
for TiDB compatible DDL, please see the docs:
English version: https://github.com/pingcap/docs/blob/master/sql/ddl.md
Chinese version: https://github.com/pingcap/docs-cn/blob/master/sql/ddl.md
if the DDL is not needed, you can modify the meta file and restart syncer to skip it.

2019/12/19 11:09:08 syncer.go:748: [error] [error query event][schema]bi [error type]incompatible DDL [sql]create table fine_user (id varchar(255) not null, birthday datetime, creationType integer not null, description varchar(1000), email varchar(255), enable bit, language varchar(255), lastOperationType integer not null, male bit, mobile varchar(255), password varchar(255) not null, realName varchar(255), userName varchar(255) not null, workPhone varchar(255), primary key (id)) [error message]line 1 column 167 near “language varchar(255), lastOperationType integer not null, male bit, mobile varchar(255), password varchar(255) not null, realName varchar(255), userName varchar(255) not null, workPhone varchar(255), primary key (id))” [current pos](binglog.000017, 764132432) [next pos](binglog.000017, 764133550) [current gtid set] [next gtid set]
2019/12/19 11:09:08 syncer.go:1018: [info] flush all jobs meta = syncer-binlog = (binglog.000017, 764132432), syncer-binlog-gtid =
2019/12/19 11:09:08 meta.go:135: [info] save position to file, binlog-name:binglog.000017 binlog-pos:764132432 binlog-gtid:
2019/12/19 11:09:08 main.go:79: [error] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/build_tidb_enterprise_tools_master/go/src/github.com/pingcap/tidb-enterprise-tools/syncer/ddl.go:74: [error type]incompatible DDL [sql]create table fine_user (id varchar(255) not null, birthday datetime, creationType integer not null, description varchar(1000), email varchar(255), enable bit, language varchar(255), lastOperationType integer not null, male bit, mobile varchar(255), password varchar(255) not null, realName varchar(255), userName varchar(255) not null, workPhone varchar(255), primary key (id)) [error message]line 1 column 167 near “language varchar(255), lastOperationType integer not null, male bit, mobile varchar(255), password varchar(255) not null, realName varchar(255), userName varchar(255) not null, workPhone varchar(255), primary key (id))”
2019/12/19 11:09:08 syncer.go:928: [info] print status exits, err:context canceled



  1. 麻烦提供下 syncer 的版本以及配置
  2. 建议使用 DM 进行同步。


[tidb@pd-tidbserver syncer]$ ./syncer -V

[2019/12/19 13:44:45.417 +08:00] [WARN] [disk.go:52] [“Remove temporary file error”] [tmpDir=/tmp/tidb-server-syncer] [error=“unlinkat /tmp/tidb-server-syncer: operation not permitted”] [2019/12/19 13:44:45.417 +08:00] [WARN] [disk.go:56] [“Mkdir temporary file error”] [tmpDir=/tmp/tidb-server-syncer] [error=“mkdir /tmp/tidb-server-syncer: file exists”] Release Version: v1.0.0-77-g68ca5fc Git Commit Hash: 68ca5fcc676b07acb79a0f93ab0363e3e64d4254 Git Branch: master UTC Build Time: 2019-12-04 06:54:29 Go Version: go version go1.13 linux/amd64

[tidb@pd-tidbserver syncer]$ cat syncer.meta

binlog-name = “binglog.000018” binlog-pos = 622523418 binlog-gtid = “”

[tidb@pd-tidbserver syncer]$ cat config.toml |grep -v ^# |grep -v ^$

log-level = “info” log-file = “syncer.log” log-rotate = “day” server-id = 1344 meta = “./syncer.meta” worker-count = 16 batch = 100 flavor = “mysql” status-addr = “:8271” stop-on-ddl = false max-retry = 1000 [from] host = “” user = “tidb_syncer” password = “1q2w3e4r” port = 3306 [to] host = “” user = “tidb_syncer” password = “1q2w3e4r” port = 4000

这边在 3.0.3 tidb + syncer 的最新版本测试,在上游 mysql 5.7 建表没有遇到问题。可以尝试:

  1. 替换 syncer 为最新版本
  2. syncer 修改 log-level : "debug" 看下 debug 的信息
  3. 替换为 DM 进行同步尝试。

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