请教下使用 loader 导入数据时,TiDB DDL 报错 ERROR 1105 (HY000): Information schema is out of date. 什么原因?

TiDB DDL 时报错 ERROR 1105 (HY000): Information schema is out of date. TiDB 日志记录信息如下:

2019/05/10 19:11:46.226 domain.go:108: [error] [ddl] failed to load schema diff err line 1 column 43 near " 0) THEN 0WHEN (incharge_user_count > 0) THEN (three_day_rebalance_user_count / incha rge_user_count) END)" (total length 154) 2019/05/10 19:11:46.249 domain.go:95: [info] [ddl] not update self schema version to etcd 2019/05/10 19:11:46.249 domain.go:421: [error] [ddl] reload schema in loop err line 1 column 43 near " 0) THEN 0WHEN (incharge_user_count > 0) THEN (three_day_rebalance_user_count / incharge_u ser_count) END)" (total length 154)

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应该是数据时候 数据大量写入的 region 发生了变化 ,由于 tikv 太繁忙 tidb 没有及时获取到最新的 schma 信息 报错 Information schema is out of date 重启 loader 接着导就好了 loader 有断点续导功能。

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