1230万的分区 DAG response is too big, please check config about region size or region merge scheduler


你这里的 max(size) 是今天的,你看看 8 月份的呢

总共就这么几条记录 8月份 只是这两张表中的8月分区

SET SESSION tidb_allow_batch_cop=2
错误代码: 1105
Memory limit (for query) exceeded: would use 9.31 GiB (attempt to allocate chunk of 1048576 bytes), maximum: 9.31 GiB: (while reading from DTFile: /data/tiflash/db/data/t_19828/stable/dmf_231):
Code: 0, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Memory limit (for query) exceeded: would use 9.31 GiB (attempt to allocate chunk of 1048576 bytes), maximum: 9.31 GiB: (while reading from DTFile: /data/tiflash/db/data/t_19828/stable/dmf_226), e.what() = DB::Exception:
Code: 0, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Memory limi

  1. 请配置一下 memory limit,设大一些
  2. 查看一下 /data/tiflash/db/data/t_19828/stable/dmf_231 文件大小


改大 memory limit 能避免这个错误么?

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