

中描述的:对于 DELETE 操作 TiDB 的 GC 机制会删除数据,但不会释放空间,而是当后续数据写入 RocksDB 且进行 compact 时对“”空间重新利用“”。建议 改为:而是当后续数据写入 RocksDB 且进行 compact 时释放空间。理由如下
1:前面提到了gc不会释放空间,后面如果描述为空间重新利用有歧义(oracle 段管理就是空间重新利用而不是释放空间)
2:从严谨性上讲:改为 “”释放空间“”前后呼应

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Does TiDB release space immediately after deleting data?

None of the DELETE , TRUNCATE and DROP operations release data immediately. For the TRUNCATE and DROP operations, after the TiDB GC (Garbage Collection) time (10 minutes by default), the data is deleted and the space is released. For the DELETE operation, the data is deleted but the space is not released according to TiDB GC. When subsequent data is written into RocksDB and executes COMPACT , the space is reused.

Does TiDB release space immediately after deleting data?

None of the DELETE , TRUNCATE and DROP operations release data immediately. For the TRUNCATE and DROP operations, after the TiDB GC (Garbage Collection) time (10 minutes by default), the data is deleted and the space is released. For the DELETE operation, the data is deleted but the space is not released according to TiDB GC. When subsequent data is written into RocksDB and executes COMPACT , the space is reclaimed.

1 个赞

第一次在https://github.com/pingcap/docs/issues 申请,申请操作时候提示用户名不可用,这要如何处理

能截个图么?是不是 Github 账号登陆的问题?

我这边先提交给 @官网文档小助手 帮忙看一下~

@shaoj 已在 https://github.com/pingcap/docs-cn/pull/7165 中进行修改。

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