同时使用了with as语法和union all语法时,报错Can’t find column XXXX。
去掉union all正常执行,或者将with as语法修改为子查询,也能正常执行
【 Bug 的影响】
drop table if exists cux_test3;
create table cux_test3(id bigint,rate double);
with temp_d0 as
(select d1.rate, d1.id
from (select d0.id, (d0.rate / 100) as rate from cux_test3 d0) d1
where 1 = 1
and d1.id <= 3)
select rate
from temp_d0 d2
where id = 1
union all
select rate from temp_d0 d0 where id = 2;
tidb v5.1