1.切换为在线mirror,升级tiup;看tiup 版本未变;但还是下载并提示升级成功,why?
[root@tidb40 ~]# tiup mirror show
[root@tidb40 ~]# tiup list tikv
Available versions for tikv:
Version Installed Release Platforms
------- --------- ------- ---------
v6.1.0 YES 2022-06-13T12:20:53+08:00 linux/amd64
v8.5.1 YES 2025-01-17T07:49:04Z linux/amd64
v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly YES 2025-03-14T11:40:59Z linux/amd64
[root@tidb40 ~]# tiup mirror set --reset
WARN: adding root certificate via internet: https://tiup-mirrors.pingcap.com/root.json
You can revoke this by remove /root/.tiup/bin/4c18ab4179e55f01.root.json
Successfully set mirror to https://tiup-mirrors.pingcap.com/
[root@tidb40 ~]#
[root@tidb40 ~]# tiup update --self
download https://tiup-mirrors.pingcap.com/tiup-v1.16.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz 5.03 MiB / 5.03 MiB 100.00% 9.13 MiB/s
Updated successfully!
[root@tidb40 ~]# tiup update cluster
component cluster version v1.16.1 is already installed
Updated successfully!
[root@tidb40 ~]# tiup -v
1.16.1 tiup
Go Version: go1.21.13
Git Ref: v1.16.1
GitHash: 775384c48a95f7047c016cbf2905eec1e267f629
[root@tidb40 ~]#
[root@tidb40 ~]# tiup list tikv
v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly YES 2025-03-21T12:20:22Z darwin/arm64,linux/amd64,linux/arm64,darwin/amd64
[root@tidb40 ~]# tiup list pd
v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly YES 2025-03-24T09:29:48Z darwin/amd64,darwin/arm64,linux/amd64,linux/arm64
2. 切换为本地源,离线升级,失败;
# tiup mirror set /tidb-data/tiupmirror/
[root@tidb40 ~]# tiup cluster upgrade tidb-test v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly
Before the upgrade, it is recommended to read the upgrade guide at https://docs.pingcap.com/tidb/stable/upgrade-tidb-using-tiup and finish the preparation steps.
This operation will upgrade tidb v8.5.1 cluster tidb-test to v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly:
will upgrade and restart component " tiflash" to "v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly",
will upgrade and restart component " cdc" to "v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly",
will upgrade and restart component " pd" to "v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly",
will upgrade and restart component " tikv" to "v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly",
will upgrade and restart component " tidb" to "v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly",
will upgrade and restart component " prometheus" to "v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly",
will upgrade and restart component " grafana" to "v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly",
will upgrade component "node-exporter" to "",
will upgrade component "blackbox-exporter" to "".
Do you want to continue? [y/N]:(default=N) y
Upgrading cluster...
+ [ Serial ] - SSHKeySet: privateKey=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/ssh/id_rsa, publicKey=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/ssh/id_rsa.pub
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [ Serial ] - Download: component=tikv, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - Download: component=tidb, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - Download: component=tiflash, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - Download: component=pd, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - Download: component=cdc, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - Download: component=prometheus, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - Download: component=grafana, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, os=linux, arch=amd64
download monitored
- Download node_exporter: (linux/amd64) ... Done
- Download blackbox_exporter: (linux/amd64) ... Done
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/pd-2379'
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/cdc-8300'
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/cdc-8301'
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/cdc-8302'
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/tiflash-9000'
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=cdc, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=tiflash, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=cdc, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=pd, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=cdc, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=cdc, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=cdc, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=pd, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=tiflash, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=cdc, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - InitConfig: cluster=tidb-test, user=tidb, host=, path=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache/pd-2379.service, deploy_dir=/tidb-deploy/pd-2379, data_dir=[/tidb-data/pd-2379], log_dir=/tidb-deploy/pd-2379/log, cache_dir=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache
+ [ Serial ] - InitConfig: cluster=tidb-test, user=tidb, host=, path=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache/cdc-8300.service, deploy_dir=/tidb-deploy/cdc-8300, data_dir=[/tidb-data/cdc-8300], log_dir=/tidb-deploy/cdc-8300/log, cache_dir=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache
+ [ Serial ] - InitConfig: cluster=tidb-test, user=tidb, host=, path=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache/cdc-8302.service, deploy_dir=/tidb-deploy/cdc-8302, data_dir=[/tidb-data/cdc-8302], log_dir=/tidb-deploy/cdc-8302/log, cache_dir=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache
+ [ Serial ] - InitConfig: cluster=tidb-test, user=tidb, host=, path=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache/cdc-8301.service, deploy_dir=/tidb-deploy/cdc-8301, data_dir=[/tidb-data/cdc-8301], log_dir=/tidb-deploy/cdc-8301/log, cache_dir=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/tikv-20160'
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=tikv, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=tikv, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/tikv-20161'
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/tikv-20162'
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories=''
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=tidb, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=tidb, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=tikv, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=tikv, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=tikv, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=tikv, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - InitConfig: cluster=tidb-test, user=tidb, host=, path=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache/tidb-4000.service, deploy_dir=/tidb-deploy/tidb-4000, data_dir=[], log_dir=/tidb-deploy/tidb-4000/log, cache_dir=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache
+ [ Serial ] - InitConfig: cluster=tidb-test, user=tidb, host=, path=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache/tiflash-9000.service, deploy_dir=/tidb-deploy/tiflash-9000, data_dir=[/tidb-data/tiflash-9000], log_dir=/tidb-deploy/tiflash-9000/log, cache_dir=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache
+ [ Serial ] - InitConfig: cluster=tidb-test, user=tidb, host=, path=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache/tikv-20160.service, deploy_dir=/tidb-deploy/tikv-20160, data_dir=[/tidb-data/tikv-20160], log_dir=/tidb-deploy/tikv-20160/log, cache_dir=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/prometheus-9090'
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=prometheus, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories=''
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=grafana, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=prometheus, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - InitConfig: cluster=tidb-test, user=tidb, host=, path=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache/tikv-20161.service, deploy_dir=/tidb-deploy/tikv-20161, data_dir=[/tidb-data/tikv-20161], log_dir=/tidb-deploy/tikv-20161/log, cache_dir=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache
+ [ Serial ] - InitConfig: cluster=tidb-test, user=tidb, host=, path=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache/tikv-20162.service, deploy_dir=/tidb-deploy/tikv-20162, data_dir=[/tidb-data/tikv-20162], log_dir=/tidb-deploy/tikv-20162/log, cache_dir=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=grafana, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - InitConfig: cluster=tidb-test, user=tidb, host=, path=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache/grafana-3000.service, deploy_dir=/tidb-deploy/grafana-3000, data_dir=[], log_dir=/tidb-deploy/grafana-3000/log, cache_dir=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache
+ [ Serial ] - InitConfig: cluster=tidb-test, user=tidb, host=, path=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache/prometheus-9090.service, deploy_dir=/tidb-deploy/prometheus-9090, data_dir=[/tidb-data/prometheus-9090], log_dir=/tidb-deploy/prometheus-9090/log, cache_dir=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache
Error: init config failed: component pd does not have nightly on linux/amd64: unknown version: check config failed
Verbose debug logs has been written to /root/.tiup/logs/tiup-cluster-debug-2025-03-26-13-49-45.log.
3. 切换为在线mirror,在线升级失败:
[root@tidb40 ~]# tiup mirror set --reset
Successfully set mirror to https://tiup-mirrors.pingcap.com/
[root@tidb40 ~]#
[root@tidb40 ~]#
[root@tidb40 ~]#
[root@tidb40 ~]#
[root@tidb40 ~]#
[root@tidb40 ~]# export http_proxy=""
export https_proxy=""
[root@tidb40 ~]#
[root@tidb40 ~]#
[root@tidb40 ~]#
[root@tidb40 ~]#
[root@tidb40 ~]# tiup cluster upgrade tidb-test v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly
Checking updates for component cluster... Timedout (after 2s)
Before the upgrade, it is recommended to read the upgrade guide at https://docs.pingcap.com/tidb/stable/upgrade-tidb-using-tiup and finish the preparation steps.
This operation will upgrade tidb v8.5.1 cluster tidb-test to v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly:
will upgrade and restart component " tiflash" to "v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly",
will upgrade and restart component " cdc" to "v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly",
will upgrade and restart component " pd" to "v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly",
will upgrade and restart component " tikv" to "v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly",
will upgrade and restart component " tidb" to "v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly",
will upgrade and restart component " prometheus" to "v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly",
will upgrade and restart component " grafana" to "v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly",
will upgrade component "node-exporter" to "",
will upgrade component "blackbox-exporter" to "".
Do you want to continue? [y/N]:(default=N) y
Upgrading cluster...
+ [ Serial ] - SSHKeySet: privateKey=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/ssh/id_rsa, publicKey=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/ssh/id_rsa.pub
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [ Serial ] - Download: component=tidb, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - Download: component=cdc, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - Download: component=tiflash, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - Download: component=pd, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - Download: component=tikv, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - Download: component=prometheus, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - Download: component=grafana, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, os=linux, arch=amd64
download monitored
- Download node_exporter: (linux/amd64) ... Done
- Download blackbox_exporter: (linux/amd64) ... Done
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/pd-2379'
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/cdc-8300'
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/cdc-8302'
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/tiflash-9000'
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/cdc-8301'
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=tiflash, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=pd, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=cdc, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=cdc, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=cdc, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=tiflash, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=cdc, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=cdc, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=cdc, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=pd, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/tikv-20160'
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/tikv-20161'
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/tikv-20162'
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories=''
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=tidb, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/prometheus-9090'
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=tidb, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories=''
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=grafana, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=tikv, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=tikv, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=tikv, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=prometheus, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=grafana, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=tikv, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=tikv, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=tikv, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=prometheus, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
Error: failed to scp /root/.tiup/storage/cluster/packages/tiflash-v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly-linux-amd64.tar.gz to failed to scp /root/.tiup/storage/cluster/packages/tiflash-v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly-linux-amd64.tar.gz to tidb@ open /root/.tiup/storage/cluster/packages/tiflash-v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly-linux-amd64.tar.gz: no such file or directory
Verbose debug logs has been written to /root/.tiup/logs/tiup-cluster-debug-2025-03-26-13-58-08.log.
4. 关闭集群,重启系统,再次在线升级,成功;
[root@tidb40 ~]# tiup cluster upgrade tidb-test v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly
Checking updates for component cluster... Timedout (after 2s)
Before the upgrade, it is recommended to read the upgrade guide at https://docs.pingcap.com/tidb/stable/upgrade-tidb-using-tiup and finish the preparation steps.
This operation will upgrade tidb v8.5.1 cluster tidb-test to v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly:
will upgrade and restart component " tiflash" to "v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly",
will upgrade and restart component " cdc" to "v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly",
will upgrade and restart component " pd" to "v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly",
will upgrade and restart component " tikv" to "v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly",
will upgrade and restart component " tidb" to "v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly",
will upgrade and restart component " prometheus" to "v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly",
will upgrade and restart component " grafana" to "v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly",
will upgrade component "node-exporter" to "",
will upgrade component "blackbox-exporter" to "".
Do you want to continue? [y/N]:(default=N) y
Upgrading cluster...
+ [ Serial ] - SSHKeySet: privateKey=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/ssh/id_rsa, publicKey=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/ssh/id_rsa.pub
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host=
+ [ Serial ] - Download: component=pd, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - Download: component=tiflash, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - Download: component=cdc, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - Download: component=tikv, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - Download: component=tidb, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - Download: component=prometheus, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - Download: component=grafana, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, os=linux, arch=amd64
download monitored
- Download node_exporter: (linux/amd64) ... Done
- Download blackbox_exporter: (linux/amd64) ... Done
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/pd-2379'
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/tiflash-9000'
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/cdc-8301'
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/cdc-8300'
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/cdc-8302'
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=pd, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=tiflash, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=cdc, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=cdc, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=cdc, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=pd, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=tiflash, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=cdc, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=cdc, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=cdc, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - InitConfig: cluster=tidb-test, user=tidb, host=, path=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache/pd-2379.service, deploy_dir=/tidb-deploy/pd-2379, data_dir=[/tidb-data/pd-2379], log_dir=/tidb-deploy/pd-2379/log, cache_dir=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache
+ [ Serial ] - InitConfig: cluster=tidb-test, user=tidb, host=, path=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache/cdc-8301.service, deploy_dir=/tidb-deploy/cdc-8301, data_dir=[/tidb-data/cdc-8301], log_dir=/tidb-deploy/cdc-8301/log, cache_dir=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache
+ [ Serial ] - InitConfig: cluster=tidb-test, user=tidb, host=, path=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache/cdc-8302.service, deploy_dir=/tidb-deploy/cdc-8302, data_dir=[/tidb-data/cdc-8302], log_dir=/tidb-deploy/cdc-8302/log, cache_dir=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache
+ [ Serial ] - InitConfig: cluster=tidb-test, user=tidb, host=, path=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache/cdc-8300.service, deploy_dir=/tidb-deploy/cdc-8300, data_dir=[/tidb-data/cdc-8300], log_dir=/tidb-deploy/cdc-8300/log, cache_dir=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/tikv-20160'
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/tikv-20161'
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/tikv-20162'
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories=''
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=tidb, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=tidb, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=tikv, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=tikv, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=tikv, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=tikv, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=tikv, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=tikv, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - InitConfig: cluster=tidb-test, user=tidb, host=, path=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache/tidb-4000.service, deploy_dir=/tidb-deploy/tidb-4000, data_dir=[], log_dir=/tidb-deploy/tidb-4000/log, cache_dir=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache
+ [ Serial ] - InitConfig: cluster=tidb-test, user=tidb, host=, path=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache/tiflash-9000.service, deploy_dir=/tidb-deploy/tiflash-9000, data_dir=[/tidb-data/tiflash-9000], log_dir=/tidb-deploy/tiflash-9000/log, cache_dir=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache
+ [ Serial ] - InitConfig: cluster=tidb-test, user=tidb, host=, path=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache/tikv-20161.service, deploy_dir=/tidb-deploy/tikv-20161, data_dir=[/tidb-data/tikv-20161], log_dir=/tidb-deploy/tikv-20161/log, cache_dir=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache
+ [ Serial ] - InitConfig: cluster=tidb-test, user=tidb, host=, path=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache/tikv-20162.service, deploy_dir=/tidb-deploy/tikv-20162, data_dir=[/tidb-data/tikv-20162], log_dir=/tidb-deploy/tikv-20162/log, cache_dir=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache
+ [ Serial ] - InitConfig: cluster=tidb-test, user=tidb, host=, path=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache/tikv-20160.service, deploy_dir=/tidb-deploy/tikv-20160, data_dir=[/tidb-data/tikv-20160], log_dir=/tidb-deploy/tikv-20160/log, cache_dir=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories='/tidb-data/prometheus-9090'
+ [ Serial ] - Mkdir: host=, directories=''
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=grafana, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=grafana, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - BackupComponent: component=prometheus, currentVersion=v8.5.1, remote=
+ [ Serial ] - CopyComponent: component=prometheus, version=v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly, remote= os=linux, arch=amd64
+ [ Serial ] - InitConfig: cluster=tidb-test, user=tidb, host=, path=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache/grafana-3000.service, deploy_dir=/tidb-deploy/grafana-3000, data_dir=[], log_dir=/tidb-deploy/grafana-3000/log, cache_dir=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache
+ [ Serial ] - InitConfig: cluster=tidb-test, user=tidb, host=, path=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache/prometheus-9090.service, deploy_dir=/tidb-deploy/prometheus-9090, data_dir=[/tidb-data/prometheus-9090], log_dir=/tidb-deploy/prometheus-9090/log, cache_dir=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/tidb-test/config-cache
deploy monitored
- Deploy node_exporter -> ... Done
- Deploy blackbox_exporter -> ... Done
refresh monitored config
- Generate config node_exporter -> ... Done
- Generate config blackbox_exporter -> ... Done
+ [ Serial ] - UpgradeCluster
Upgrading component tiflash
Restarting instance
Restart instance success
Upgrading component cdc
Start drain the capture, address:, captureID: 11a04a02-7f4d-439b-88b7-59e1e5fcf22c
Restarting instance
Restart instance success
Start drain the capture, address:, captureID: 5264fcaf-56b0-4c94-b9b8-3a26310af998
Restarting instance
Restart instance success
Start drain the capture, address:, captureID: a604fa32-1784-4e71-8a72-5175e7c1c681
Restarting instance
Restart instance success
Upgrading component pd
Restarting instance
Restart instance success
Upgrading component tikv
Evicting 8 leaders from store
Still waiting for 8 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 8 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 8 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 8 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 8 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 6 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 6 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 6 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 6 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 6 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 6 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 6 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 6 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 6 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 6 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 6 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 6 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 6 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 6 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 6 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 6 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 6 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 6 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 6 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 6 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 6 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 6 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 6 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 6 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 6 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 6 store leaders to transfer...
Restarting instance
Restart instance success
Evicting 12 leaders from store
Still waiting for 12 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 12 store leaders to transfer...
Restarting instance
Restart instance success
Evicting 16 leaders from store
Still waiting for 16 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 16 store leaders to transfer...
Still waiting for 16 store leaders to transfer...
Restarting instance
Restart instance success
Upgrading component tidb
Restarting instance
Restart instance success
Upgrading component prometheus
Restarting instance
Restart instance success
Upgrading component grafana
Restarting instance
Restart instance success
Stopping component node_exporter
Stopping instance
Stop success
Stopping component blackbox_exporter
Stopping instance
Stop success
Starting component node_exporter
Starting instance
Start success
Starting component blackbox_exporter
Starting instance
Start success
Upgraded cluster `tidb-test` successfully
[root@tidb40 ~]#
[root@tidb40 ~]# tiup cluster display tidb-test
Checking updates for component cluster... Timedout (after 2s)
Cluster type: tidb
Cluster name: tidb-test
Cluster version: v9.0.0-beta.1.pre-nightly
Deploy user: tidb
SSH type: builtin
Dashboard URL:
Grafana URL:
ID Role Host Ports OS/Arch Status Data Dir Deploy Dir
-- ---- ---- ----- ------- ------ -------- ---------- cdc 8300 linux/x86_64 Up /tidb-data/cdc-8300 /tidb-deploy/cdc-8300 cdc 8301 linux/x86_64 Up /tidb-data/cdc-8301 /tidb-deploy/cdc-8301 cdc 8302 linux/x86_64 Up /tidb-data/cdc-8302 /tidb-deploy/cdc-8302 grafana 3000 linux/x86_64 Up - /tidb-deploy/grafana-3000 pd 2379/2380 linux/x86_64 Up|L|UI /tidb-data/pd-2379 /tidb-deploy/pd-2379 prometheus 9090/12020 linux/x86_64 Up /tidb-data/prometheus-9090 /tidb-deploy/prometheus-9090 tidb 4000/10080 linux/x86_64 Up - /tidb-deploy/tidb-4000 tiflash 9000/3930/20170/20292/8234/8123 linux/x86_64 Up /tidb-data/tiflash-9000 /tidb-deploy/tiflash-9000 tikv 20160/20180 linux/x86_64 Up /tidb-data/tikv-20160 /tidb-deploy/tikv-20160 tikv 20161/20181 linux/x86_64 Up /tidb-data/tikv-20161 /tidb-deploy/tikv-20161 tikv 20162/20182 linux/x86_64 Up /tidb-data/tikv-20162 /tidb-deploy/tikv-20162
Total nodes: 11