【 TiDB 使用环境】生产环境
【 TiDB 版本】7.5.3
dm 任务详情如下
[tidb@devops-tiup-01-vm ~ Wed Oct 16 09:19:44]$ tiup dmctl --master-addr query-status rds-to-tidb-for-b1
tiup is checking updates for component dmctl ...
A new version of dmctl is available:
The latest version: v8.3.0
Local installed version: v8.2.0
Update current component: tiup update dmctl
Update all components: tiup update --all
Starting component `dmctl`: /home/tidb/.tiup/components/dmctl/v8.2.0/dmctl/dmctl --master-addr query-status rds-to-tidb-for-b1
"result": true,
"msg": "",
"sources": [
"result": true,
"msg": "",
"sourceStatus": {
"source": "rds-product_b1",
"worker": "dm-",
"result": null,
"relayStatus": {
"masterBinlog": "(mysql-bin.062310, 70132113)",
"masterBinlogGtid": "72366f5c-0609-11ec-b896-0c42a1b7b2a6:1-8447207357,742a767c-0609-11ec-9112-0c42a1f03bde:1-7227,75cda62d-3487-11ec-8b90-043f72e57d9a:1-983075710",
"relaySubDir": "75cda62d-3487-11ec-8b90-043f72e57d9a.000001",
"relayBinlog": "(mysql-bin.062309, 4)",
"relayBinlogGtid": "",
"relayCatchUpMaster": false,
"stage": "Paused",
"result": {
"isCanceled": false,
"errors": [
"ErrCode": 30015,
"ErrClass": "relay-unit",
"ErrScope": "upstream",
"ErrLevel": "high",
"Message": "TCPReader get relay event with error",
"RawCause": "ERROR 1236 (HY000): The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires. Replicate the missing transactions from elsewhere, or provision a new slave from backup. Consider increasing the master's binary log expiration period. The GTID sets and the missing purged transactions are too long to print in this message. For more information, please see the master's error log or the manual for GTID_SUBTRACT.",
"Workaround": ""
"detail": null
"subTaskStatus": [
"name": "rds-to-tidb-for-b1",
"stage": "Running",
"unit": "Sync",
"result": null,
"unresolvedDDLLockID": "",
"sync": {
"totalEvents": "65147593",
"totalTps": "257",
"recentTps": "0",
"masterBinlog": "(mysql-bin.062310, 70132113)",
"masterBinlogGtid": "72366f5c-0609-11ec-b896-0c42a1b7b2a6:1-8447207357,742a767c-0609-11ec-9112-0c42a1f03bde:1-7227,75cda62d-3487-11ec-8b90-043f72e57d9a:1-983075710",
"syncerBinlog": "(mysql-bin|000001.062308, 524291076)",
"syncerBinlogGtid": "72366f5c-0609-11ec-b896-0c42a1b7b2a6:1-8447207357,742a767c-0609-11ec-9112-0c42a1f03bde:1-7227,75cda62d-3487-11ec-8b90-043f72e57d9a:1-982898836",
"blockingDDLs": [
"unresolvedGroups": [
"synced": false,
"binlogType": "local",
"secondsBehindMaster": "0",
"blockDDLOwner": "",
"conflictMsg": "",
"totalRows": "65147593",
"totalRps": "257",
"recentRps": "0"
"validation": null
ERROR 1236 (HY000): The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires. Replicate the missing transactions from elsewhere, or provision a new slave from backup. Consider increasing the master’s binary log expiration period. The GTID sets and the missing purged transactions are too long to print in this message. For more information, please see the master’s error log or the manual for GTID_SUBTRACT