【 TiDB 使用环境】生产环境
【 TiDB 版本】v8.1.0
【遇到的问题:load阶段报错"ErrCode": 34019】
“RawCause”: “[Lightning:Restore:ErrRestoreTable]restore table gaia_order
failed: The number of conflict errors exceeds the threshold configured by conflict.threshold
: ‘10000’”
大家好, 刚开始试用tidb, 在从库跑了个合库的DM任务,遇到这个报错, 搜到了说 TiDB Lightning里max-error默认是10000, 但我目前是DM任务, 不知道这个默认10000在哪里修改
我看了tiup的目录里, 只有dm, dmctl 没有找到Lightning 相关的目录和配置, 大佬们指导下
“subTaskStatus”: [
“name”: “sop”,
“stage”: “Paused”,
“unit”: “Load”,
“result”: {
“isCanceled”: false,
“errors”: [
“ErrCode”: 34019,
“ErrClass”: “load-unit”,
“ErrScope”: “internal”,
“ErrLevel”: “high”,
“Message”: “”,
“RawCause”: “[Lightning:Restore:ErrRestoreTable]restore table xxx_order
failed: The number of conflict errors exceeds the threshold configured by conflict.threshold
: ‘10000’”,
“Workaround”: “”
“detail”: null
“unresolvedDDLLockID”: “”,
“load”: {
“finishedBytes”: “18199573089”,
“totalBytes”: “40374194074”,
“progress”: “45.08 %”,
“metaBinlog”: “(mybinlog.000742, 980072603)”,
“metaBinlogGTID”: “8ae17138-2fbe-11ec-8167-286ed488e376:1-284293863,eb2e5ab6-2fbf-11ec-92db-0cda411d3c57:1-2”,
“bps”: “82032”
“validation”: null