
【 TiDB 使用环境】生产环境
【 TiDB 版本】v6.5.0

# 过滤器规则  
# 过滤规则语法:https://docs.pingcap.com/zh/tidb/stable/table-filter#表库过滤语法  
rules = ['maindb.es_charge_incoming_data']  

# Event filter rules.
# The detailed syntax is described in <https://docs.pingcap.com/tidb/stable/ticdc-filter>

# The first event filter rule.
matcher = ["maindb.es_charge_incoming_data"] # matcher is an allow list, which means this rule only applies to the worker table in the test database.
# ignore-event = ["insert"] # Ignore insert events.
# ignore-sql = ["^drop", "add column"] # Ignore DDLs that start with "drop" or contain "add column".
# ignore-delete-value-expr = "name = 'john'" # Ignore delete DMLs that contain the condition "name = 'john'".
# ignore-insert-value-expr = "id >= 100" # Ignore insert DMLs that contain the condition "id >= 100".
# ignore-update-old-value-expr = "age < 18" # Ignore update DMLs whose old value contains "age < 18".
ignore-update-new-value-expr = "fld_is_hand_in = 1 or fld_is_hand_in = 0" # Ignore update DMLs whose new value contains "gender = 'male'".


# 关闭任务
tiup cdc cli changefeed  pause --pd= --changefeed-id  kafka-to-tianjin-pro-01

# 更新任务
 tiup cdc cli changefeed update --pd= --sink-uri="kafka://,," --changefeed-id="kafka-to-tianjin-pro-01" --config="./kafka-to-tianjin-pro-01.toml"

# 启动任务
tiup cdc cli changefeed  resume --pd= --changefeed-id  kafka-to-tianjin-pro-01

 tiup cdc cli changefeed  query --pd= --changefeed-id  kafka-to-tianjin-pro-01


# 过滤器规则  
# 过滤规则语法:https://docs.pingcap.com/zh/tidb/stable/table-filter#表库过滤语法  
rules = ['maindb.es_charge_incoming_data']  

# Event filter rules.
# The detailed syntax is described in <https://docs.pingcap.com/tidb/stable/ticdc-filter>

# The first event filter rule.
#matcher = ["maindb.es_charge_incoming_data"] # matcher is an allow list, which means this rule only applies to the worker table in the test database.
# ignore-event = ["insert"] # Ignore insert events.
# ignore-sql = ["^drop", "add column"] # Ignore DDLs that start with "drop" or contain "add column".
# ignore-delete-value-expr = "name = 'john'" # Ignore delete DMLs that contain the condition "name = 'john'".
# ignore-insert-value-expr = "id >= 100" # Ignore insert DMLs that contain the condition "id >= 100".
# ignore-update-old-value-expr = "age < 18" # Ignore update DMLs whose old value contains "age < 18".
#ignore-update-new-value-expr = "fld_is_hand_in = 1 or fld_is_hand_in = 0" # Ignore update DMLs whose new value contains "gender = 'male'".

changefeed config is the same with the old one, do nothing

真正的需求是修改后,不再过虑"fld_is_hand_in = 1 or fld_is_hand_in = 0"。


【资源配置】进入到 TiDB Dashboard -集群信息 (Cluster Info) -主机(Hosts) 截图此页面

V6.5版本不是已经将 --pd=http://xx.xx.xx.xx:2379 改成 --server=http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8300,为啥你上面的命令还能生效?

为了兼容一些使用习惯, cli 会拿pd 参数去 etcd 里查 ticdc 的节点信息,然后拼接 server 参数



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