tidb 5.0升级到7.1.4 执行计划不一致

【 TiDB 使用环境】生产环境 /测试/ Poc
【 TiDB 版本】
【资源配置】进入到 TiDB Dashboard -集群信息 (Cluster Info) -主机(Hosts) 截图此页面

tidb 5.0升级到tidb7.1.4 表结构索引完全一致



| id | estRows | estCost | actRows | task | access object | execution info | operator info | memory | disk |
| HashAgg_11 | 1.00 | 10280965666.49 | 0 | root | | time:43.8s, loops:1, partial_worker:{wall_time:43.799338611s, concurrency:5, task_num:0, tot_wait:3m38.996347675s, tot_exec:0s, tot_time:3m38.9963561s, max:43.79928055s, p95:43.79928055s}, final_worker:{wall_time:43.7993285s, concurrency:5, task_num:0, tot_wait:3m38.996360559s, tot_exec:3.656µs, tot_time:3m38.996367341s, max:43.799277404s, p95:43.799277404s} | funcs:count(Column#119)->Column#118 | 9.86 KB | N/A |
| └─HashJoin_31 | 18408.04 | 10280954588.66 | 0 | root | | time:43.8s, loops:1, build_hash_table:{total:1.15ms, fetch:1.15ms, build:0s} | inner join, equal:[eq(tcscenerymemberorderall.ordermain.serialid, tcscenerymemberorderall.orderitem.serialid)] | 0 Bytes | 0 Bytes |
| ├─IndexLookUp_72(Build) | 18408.04 | 36736338.58 | 0 | root | | time:1.1ms, loops:1 | | 247 Bytes | N/A |
| │ ├─IndexRangeScan_69(Build) | 522767.16 | 36855084.58 | 0 | cop[tikv] | table:om, index:IX_OrderMain_ProductId_TravelBeginDate(ProductId, TravelBeginDate) | time:626.9µs, loops:1, cop_task: {num: 1, max: 571.3µs, proc_keys: 0, tot_proc: 235.2µs, tot_wait: 28.6µs, rpc_num: 1, rpc_time: 555.3µs, copr_cache_hit_ratio: 0.00, build_task_duration: 395.5µs, max_distsql_concurrency: 1}, tikv_task:{time:0s, loops:1}, scan_detail: {total_keys: 1, get_snapshot_time: 13.5µs, rocksdb: {block: {cache_hit_count: 8, read_count: 2, read_byte: 33.5 KB, read_time: 19.8µs}}} | range:[622408 2022-08-18 00:00:00,622408 +inf], keep order:false, stats:partial[productid:allEvicted, travelbegindate:allEvicted, travelenddate:allEvicted…(more: 2 allEvicted)] | N/A | N/A |
| │ └─Selection_71(Probe) | 18408.04 | 409099280.33 | 0 | cop[tikv] | | | eq(tcscenerymemberorderall.ordermain.isvalid, 1), eq(tcscenerymemberorderall.ordermain.orderflag, 3), eq(tcscenerymemberorderall.ordermain.paystate, 2), eq(tcscenerymemberorderall.ordermain.projectid, 0), ge(tcscenerymemberorderall.ordermain.travelenddate, 2024-04-23 00:00:00.000000) | N/A | N/A |
| │ └─TableRowIDScan_70 | 522767.16 | 407530978.86 | 0 | cop[tikv] | table:om | | keep order:false, stats:partial[productid:allEvicted, travelbegindate:allEvicted, travelenddate:allEvicted…(more: 2 allEvicted)] | N/A | N/A |
| └─HashAgg_52(Probe) | 63742739.22 | 10244151944.74 | 0 | root | | time:43.8s, loops:1, partial_worker:{wall_time:2m50.574981702s, concurrency:5, task_num:1448, tot_wait:1.12841117s, tot_exec:3m30.402290003s, tot_time:12m14.773561903s, max:2m50.574142459s, p95:2m50.574142459s}, final_worker:{wall_time:43.799263497s, concurrency:5, task_num:0, tot_wait:3m38.996087861s, tot_exec:1.062µs, tot_time:3m38.996090648s, max:43.799232589s, p95:43.799232589s} | group by:tcscenerymemberorderall.orderitem.serialid, funcs:count(Column#130)->Column#119, funcs:firstrow(tcscenerymemberorderall.orderitem.serialid)->tcscenerymemberorderall.orderitem.serialid | 4.30 GB | N/A |
| └─TableReader_53 | 63742739.22 | 10201954218.37 | 18716125 | root | | time:1s, loops:1458, cop_task: {num: 1948, max: 0s, min: 0s, avg: 67.8ms, p95: 222.5ms, tot_proc: 51.9s, tot_wait: 169.7ms, rpc_num: 1949, rpc_time: 2m12s, copr_cache_hit_ratio: 0.00, build_task_duration: 454.5ms, max_distsql_concurrency: 15}, backoff{regionMiss: 2ms} | data:HashAgg_45 | 20.7 MB | N/A |
| └─HashAgg_45 | 63742739.22 | 150592428335.36 | 18732544 | cop[tikv] | | tikv_task:{proc max:279ms, min:0s, avg: 26.1ms, p80:46ms, p95:109ms, iters:24023, tasks:1948}, scan_detail: {total_process_keys: 24494157, total_process_keys_size: 14239261237, total_keys: 24520244, get_snapshot_time: 48.9ms, rocksdb: {delete_skipped_count: 13268, key_skipped_count: 50261573, block: {cache_hit_count: 499917, read_count: 12969, read_byte: 101.9 MB, read_time: 264.7ms}}} | group by:tcscenerymemberorderall.orderitem.serialid, funcs:count(1)->Column#130 | N/A | N/A |
| └─Selection_51 | 63998714.00 | 150400368450.62 | 18732544 | cop[tikv] | | tikv_task:{proc max:247ms, min:0s, avg: 21.3ms, p80:38ms, p95:86.1ms, iters:24023, tasks:1948} | eq(tcscenerymemberorderall.orderitem.resourcetype, 1), ne(tcscenerymemberorderall.orderitem.contractamount, 0), ne(tcscenerymemberorderall.orderitem.saleamount, 0) | N/A | N/A |
| └─TableFullScan_50 | 144745871.00 | 149966130837.62 | 24494157 | cop[tikv] | table:oi | tikv_task:{proc max:233ms, min:0s, avg: 18.5ms, p80:33ms, p95:75.1ms, iters:24023, tasks:1948} | keep order:false, stats:partial[ID 71:allEvicted, ID 73:allEvicted] | N/A | N/A |


id task estRows operator info actRows execution info memory disk
StreamAgg_11 root 1 funcs:count(1)->Column#118 1 time:435.7ms, loops:2 8 Bytes N/A
└─HashJoin_122 root 1.72 inner join, equal:[eq(tcscenerymemberorderall.ordermain.serialid, tcscenerymemberorderall.orderitem.serialid)] 23380 time:434.9ms, loops:28, build_hash_table:{total:74ms, fetch:64.3ms, build:9.66ms}, probe:{concurrency:5, total:2.18s, max:435.6ms, probe:95.8ms, fetch:2.08s} 1.83 MB 0 Bytes
├─IndexLookUp_68 root 1.70 23549 time:68.8ms, loops:24, index_task: {total_time: 2.17ms, fetch_handle: 2.14ms, build: 2.81µs, wait: 31.3µs}, table_task: {total_time: 255.1ms, num: 5, concurrency: 5} 1.92 MB N/A
│ ├─IndexRangeScan_65 cop[tikv] 1.71 table:om, index:IX_OrderMain_ProductId_TravelBeginDate(ProductId, TravelBeginDate), range:[32558 2024-04-02 00:00:00,32558 2024-04-24 00:00:00), keep order:false 23601 time:924.9µs, loops:26, cop_task: {num: 1, max: 499.2µs, proc_keys: 0, rpc_num: 1, rpc_time: 474.7µs, copr_cache_hit_ratio: 1.00}, tikv_task:{time:15ms, loops:28}, scan_detail: {total_process_keys: 0, total_keys: 0, rocksdb: {delete_skipped_count: 0, key_skipped_count: 0, block: {cache_hit_count: 0, read_count: 0, read_byte: 0 Bytes}}} N/A N/A
│ └─Selection_67 cop[tikv] 1.70 eq(tcscenerymemberorderall.ordermain.istest, 0), eq(tcscenerymemberorderall.ordermain.isvalid, 1), eq(tcscenerymemberorderall.ordermain.projectid, 0) 23549 time:217.3ms, loops:29, cop_task: {num: 62, max: 57.2ms, min: 543.6µs, avg: 12.7ms, p95: 47.7ms, max_proc_keys: 1848, p95_proc_keys: 1352, tot_proc: 653ms, rpc_num: 62, rpc_time: 784.6ms, copr_cache_hit_ratio: 0.10}, tikv_task:{proc max:54ms, min:0s, p80:20ms, p95:45ms, iters:202, tasks:62}, scan_detail: {total_process_keys: 20883, total_keys: 21723, rocksdb: {delete_skipped_count: 106, key_skipped_count: 2814, block: {cache_hit_count: 243947, read_count: 7, read_byte: 161.0 KB}}} N/A N/A
│ └─TableRowIDScan_66 cop[tikv] 1.71 table:om, keep order:false 23601 tikv_task:{proc max:54ms, min:0s, p80:20ms, p95:45ms, iters:202, tasks:62}, scan_detail: {total_process_keys: 0, total_keys: 0, rocksdb: {delete_skipped_count: 0, key_skipped_count: 0, block: {cache_hit_count: 0, read_count: 0, read_byte: 0 Bytes}}} N/A N/A
└─IndexLookUp_84 root 9398.37 209625 time:385.4ms, loops:206, index_task: {total_time: 305.8ms, fetch_handle: 20.1ms, build: 36.4µs, wait: 285.6ms}, table_task: {total_time: 1.86s, num: 14, concurrency: 5} 7.43 MB N/A
├─IndexRangeScan_81 cop[tikv] 9416.16 table:oi, index:IX_OrderItem_SupplierId(SupplierId), range:[45739,45739], keep order:false 209625 time:3.61ms, loops:207, cop_task: {num: 1, max: 512.4µs, proc_keys: 0, rpc_num: 1, rpc_time: 481.7µs, copr_cache_hit_ratio: 1.00}, tikv_task:{time:139ms, loops:209}, scan_detail: {total_process_keys: 0, total_keys: 0, rocksdb: {delete_skipped_count: 0, key_skipped_count: 0, block: {cache_hit_count: 0, read_count: 0, read_byte: 0 Bytes}}} N/A N/A
└─Selection_83 cop[tikv] 9398.37 eq(tcscenerymemberorderall.orderitem.resourcetype, 1) 209625 time:1.69s, loops:248, cop_task: {num: 71, max: 213.8ms, min: 791.6µs, avg: 80.6ms, p95: 180.7ms, max_proc_keys: 8460, p95_proc_keys: 7194, tot_proc: 5.34s, tot_wait: 2ms, rpc_num: 71, rpc_time: 5.72s, copr_cache_hit_ratio: 0.06}, tikv_task:{proc max:202ms, min:1ms, p80:110ms, p95:171ms, iters:511, tasks:71}, scan_detail: {total_process_keys: 207955, total_keys: 219300, rocksdb: {delete_skipped_count: 180, key_skipped_count: 37176, block: {cache_hit_count: 2360368, read_count: 65, read_byte: 1015.5 KB}}} N/A N/A
└─TableRowIDScan_82 cop[tikv] 9416.16 table:oi, keep order:false 209625 tikv_task:{proc max:202ms, min:1ms, p80:110ms, p95:170ms, iters:511, tasks:71}, scan_detail: {total_process_keys: 0, total_keys: 0, rocksdb: {delete_skipped_count: 0, key_skipped_count: 0, block: {cache_hit_count: 0, read_count: 0, read_byte: 0 Bytes}}} N/A N/A

7.1.4 多了一个 group by

MySQL [TCSceneryMemberOrderAll]> explain select count(1) as refundCount from TCSceneryMemberOrderAll.RefundSupplier rs inner Join TCSceneryMemberOrderAll.OrderMain om ON om.SerialID=rs.SerialID inner Join TCSceneryMemberOrderAll.RefundOrder ro force index(IX_RefundOrder_RefundSerialId ) ON ro.RefundSerialId=rs.RefundSerialId where 1=1 and rs.CreateTime>=‘2024-03-01’ and rs.CreateTime<‘2024-04-24’ and rs.SupplierID=7387 and rs.RefundStatus=0 and rs.SerialID=‘sz178254326770384896087747’ and ro.PlatId <> 415 and ro.ProjectID=0 and rs.IsValid=1 and om.AgentID=1993;
| id | estRows | task | access object | operator info


| HashAgg_16 | 1.00 | root | | funcs:count(Column#127)->Column#126
| └─HashJoin_19 | 0.00 | root | | CARTESIAN inner join


| ├─HashJoin_36(Build) | 0.00 | root | | inner join, equal:[eq(tcscenerymemberorderall.refundsupplier.refundserialid, tcscenerymemberorderall.refundorder.refundserialid)]
| │ ├─IndexLookUp_74(Build) | 0.00 | root | |


| │ │ ├─IndexRangeScan_71(Build) | 1872.78 | cop[tikv] | table:rs, index:IX_RefundSupplier_RefundStatus_IsValid(RefundStatus, IsValid) | range:[0 1,0 1], keep order:false
| │ │ └─Selection_73(Probe) | 0.00 | cop[tikv] | | eq(tcscenerymemberorderall.refundsupplier.serialid, “sz178254326770384896087747”), eq(tcscenerymemberorderall.refundsupplier.supplierid, 7387), ge(tcscenerymemberorderall.refundsupplier.createtime, 2024-03-01 00:00:00.000000), lt(tcscenerymemberorderall.refundsupplier.createtime, 2024-04-24 00:00:00.000000) |
| │ │ └─TableRowIDScan_72 | 1872.78 | cop[tikv] | table:rs | keep order:false


| │ └─HashAgg_57(Probe) | 18276237.11 | root | | group by:tcscenerymemberorderall.refundorder.refundserialid, funcs:count(Column#136)->Column#127, funcs:firstrow(tcscenerymemberorderall.refundorder.refundserialid)->tcscenerymemberorderall.refundorder.refundserialid |
| │ └─IndexLookUp_58 | 18276237.11 | root | |


| │ ├─IndexFullScan_54(Build) | 18696096.00 | cop[tikv] | table:ro, index:IX_RefundOrder_RefundSerialId(RefundSerialId) | keep order:false |
| │ └─HashAgg_50(Probe) | 18276237.11 | cop[tikv] | | group by:tcscenerymemberorderall.refundorder.refundserialid, funcs:count(1)->Column#136 |
| │ └─Selection_56 | 18520869.18 | cop[tikv] | | eq(tcscenerymemberorderall.refundorder.projectid, 0), ne(tcscenerymemberorderall.refundorder.platid, 415) |
| │ └─TableRowIDScan_55 | 18696096.00 | cop[tikv] | table:ro | keep order:false |
| └─IndexLookUp_81(Probe) | 0.00 | root | | |
| ├─IndexRangeScan_78(Build) | 1.00 | cop[tikv] | table:om, index:IX_OrderMain_SerialID(SerialID) | range:[“sz178254326770384896087747”,“sz178254326770384896087747”], keep order:false |
| └─Selection_80(Probe) | 0.00 | cop[tikv] | | eq(tcscenerymemberorderall.ordermain.agentid, 1993) |
| └─TableRowIDScan_79 | 1.00 | cop[tikv] | table:om | keep order:false |
17 rows in set, 3 warnings (0.00 sec)



统计信息: replayer_8DQPE2X-wLe9I_HqfUHlDA==_1713851037740255330.zip|attachment (797.6 KB)

执行计划不一样.dat (16.5 KB)
新老版本执行计划不同的点。后面用 hint 解决的:

	/*+ LEADING(rs,om,ro) */
	count(1) AS refundCount
	TCSceneryMemberOrderAll.RefundSupplier rs
    TCSceneryMemberOrderAll.OrderMain om 
	om.SerialID = rs.SerialID
    TCSceneryMemberOrderAll.RefundOrder ro 
	ro.RefundSerialId = rs.RefundSerialId
	1 = 1
	AND rs.CreateTime >= '2024-03-01'
	AND rs.CreateTime < '2024-04-24'
	AND rs.SupplierID = 39407
	AND rs.AssignOperatorJobNum = 'V20810'
	AND rs.RefundStatus = 0
	AND ro.PlatId <> 415
	AND ro.ProjectID = 0
	AND rs.IsValid = 1
	AND om.AgentID = 1993;

返回的时候 ±----------------------------------------------------------+
| File_token |
| replayer_noKOnmKNqaSFeF7fqqV7-w==_1713854794051992499.zip |
1 row in set, 1 warning (1.80 sec)

Warning (Code 1105): sync load stats timeout



目前版本别动 保持默认

由于目前 TiDB 优化器的 CBO 能力还不够完善,类似这样的参数还不能默认打开。
这个变量对于 AP tiflash 来说大部分时间都是正收益,需要的时候可以考虑在确定打给 tiflash 的 query 连接上开启

