
explain  analyze  select
	if(m.businessType = '68',
	m.signDate) as effectiveTime,
	plc_main m
left outer join plp_endorse e on
	m.topid = e.topid
	m.topId  in   (
		plc_car c
		 c.frameNo = 'LNBRCFDK2KB620212')
	and m.businessType in ('66', '68')
	and m.classCode = '05'
	and m.startTime <= '2023-08-31 16:25:41'
order by
	m.policyNo desc,
	effectiveTime desc,
	m.version desc ;

执行上述sql ,显示执行计划

疑问点:c表的条件很好,先执行的也是c表,为什么不是通过c表的条件直接走到m表topId的索引,二十m表走了index:idx_plc_main_bustype_actualId(businesstype, classcode, lsteffverflag, lstverflag, actualid)这个索引


查出来具体的数据放在in 条件里面是可走到索引的,但是我比较奇怪的是为什么不是通过通过c表的条件直接走到m表topId的索引,感觉有点不符合常理

子查询是这样的,你再改成inner join试试

改成inner join 就可以了 但是业务上是 left join ``````````不知道是否有其他的优化方法

我理解的应该和join reorder有关,在5.4版本中应该还没有outer join reorder,所以遇到你这里的left join后就没有reorder了。
1、尝试修改语句, from plc_main m where m.toopId in (xxx) left outer join plp_endorse e on 来看是否能走到想要的执行计划;


tidb_enable_outer_join_reorder 从 v6.1.0 版本开始引入

  • 是否持久化到集群:是
  • 默认值:在 v6.1.0 中为 ON,即默认开启。在 v6.1.0 之后的版本中为 OFF,即默认关闭。
  • 自 v6.1.0 起,TiDB 的 Join Reorder 算法 开始支持 Outer Join。该变量用于控制这个支持行为。默认关闭,即不启用 Outer Join 的 Join Reorder。
  • 对于从 v6.1.0 之前版本升级到 v6.1.0 及之后的版本,该变量的默认值为 OFF。对于从 v6.1.0 版本升级到之后的版本,该变量默认值为 ON

不过目前join reorder都是基于规则的,可能还是走不到你想要的。



mysql> show create table customer \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       Table: customer
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `customer` (
  `C_CUSTKEY` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  `C_NAME` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
  `C_ADDRESS` varchar(40) NOT NULL,
  `C_NATIONKEY` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  `C_PHONE` char(15) NOT NULL,
  `C_ACCTBAL` decimal(15,2) NOT NULL,
  `C_COMMENT` varchar(117) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`C_CUSTKEY`) /*T![clustered_index] CLUSTERED */
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show create table nation \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       Table: nation
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `nation` (
  `N_NATIONKEY` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  `N_NAME` char(25) NOT NULL,
  `N_REGIONKEY` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  `N_COMMENT` varchar(152) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`N_NATIONKEY`) /*T![clustered_index] CLUSTERED */
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show create table orders \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       Table: orders
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `orders` (
  `O_ORDERKEY` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  `O_CUSTKEY` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  `O_TOTALPRICE` decimal(15,2) NOT NULL,
  `O_CLERK` char(15) NOT NULL,
  `O_COMMENT` varchar(79) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`O_ORDERKEY`) /*T![clustered_index] CLUSTERED */,
  KEY `idx1` (`O_CUSTKEY`)
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

通过改写SQL(将子查询前移到left join前面)或者高版本打开tidb_enable_outer_join_reorder都能走到理想执行计划,性能提升较大。

set tidb_enable_outer_join_reorder=OFF;
mysql> explain analyze select a.* ,b.* from customer a left join nation b on a.C_NATIONKEY=b.N_NATIONKEY where a.C_CUSTKEY in (select O_CUSTKEY from orders where O_ORDERKEY=1 limit 1);
| id                            | estRows   | actRows | task      | access object | execution info                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | operator info                                                                                   | memory  | disk    |
| HashJoin_19                   | 1.00      | 1       | root      |               | time:100.1ms, loops:2, RU:176.777568, build_hash_table:{total:917.8µs, fetch:905.9µs, build:12µs}, probe:{concurrency:5, total:499.1ms, max:99.9ms, probe:8.13ms, fetch:490.9ms}                                                                                                                      | inner join, equal:[eq(tpch1.orders.o_custkey, tpch1.customer.c_custkey)]                        | 9.46 KB | 0 Bytes |
| ├─HashAgg_20(Build)           | 1.00      | 1       | root      |               | time:872.2µs, loops:2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 | group by:tpch1.orders.o_custkey, funcs:firstrow(tpch1.orders.o_custkey)->tpch1.orders.o_custkey | 8.99 KB | 0 Bytes |
| │ └─Limit_21                  | 1.00      | 1       | root      |               | time:857.1µs, loops:2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 | offset:0, count:1                                                                               | N/A     | N/A     |
| │   └─Point_Get_23            | 1.00      | 1       | root      | table:orders  | time:852.1µs, loops:1, Get:{num_rpc:1, total_time:809.5µs}, total_process_time: 80.3µs, total_wait_time: 163.1µs, tikv_wall_time: 334.1µs, scan_detail: {total_process_keys: 1, total_process_keys_size: 134, total_keys: 1, get_snapshot_time: 13.7µs, rocksdb: {block: {cache_hit_count: 2}}}       | handle:1                                                                                        | N/A     | N/A     |
| └─HashJoin_33(Probe)          | 150000.00 | 150000  | root      |               | time:99.8ms, loops:149, build_hash_table:{total:901.6µs, fetch:882.1µs, build:19.6µs}, probe:{concurrency:5, total:496.7ms, max:99.7ms, probe:92.5ms, fetch:404.2ms}                                                                                                                                  | left outer join, equal:[eq(tpch1.customer.c_nationkey, tpch1.nation.n_nationkey)]               | 50.2 KB | 0 Bytes |
|   ├─TableReader_38(Build)     | 25.00     | 25      | root      |               | time:827.7µs, loops:2, cop_task: {num: 1, max: 927.1µs, proc_keys: 25, tot_proc: 124.6µs, tot_wait: 114.6µs, rpc_num: 1, rpc_time: 901.1µs, copr_cache_hit_ratio: 0.00, build_task_duration: 9.15µs, max_distsql_concurrency: 1}                                                                      | data:TableFullScan_37                                                                           | 3.05 KB | N/A     |
|   │ └─TableFullScan_37        | 25.00     | 25      | cop[tikv] | table:b       | tikv_task:{time:0s, loops:1}, scan_detail: {total_process_keys: 25, total_process_keys_size: 3109, total_keys: 26, get_snapshot_time: 31.8µs, rocksdb: {key_skipped_count: 25, block: {cache_hit_count: 1}}}                                                                                          | keep order:false, stats:pseudo                                                                  | N/A     | N/A     |
|   └─TableReader_36(Probe)     | 150000.00 | 150000  | root      |               | time:83ms, loops:149, cop_task: {num: 11, max: 64.4ms, min: 547.4µs, avg: 7.02ms, p95: 64.4ms, max_proc_keys: 50144, p95_proc_keys: 50144, tot_proc: 44.2ms, tot_wait: 1.25ms, rpc_num: 11, rpc_time: 77ms, copr_cache_hit_ratio: 0.91, build_task_duration: 12.5µs, max_distsql_concurrency: 1}      | data:TableFullScan_35                                                                           | 18.9 MB | N/A     |
|     └─TableFullScan_35        | 150000.00 | 150000  | cop[tikv] | table:a       | tikv_task:{proc max:31ms, min:2ms, avg: 12ms, p80:25ms, p95:31ms, iters:190, tasks:11}, scan_detail: {total_process_keys: 50144, total_process_keys_size: 10206946, total_keys: 50145, get_snapshot_time: 263.3µs, rocksdb: {key_skipped_count: 50144, block: {cache_hit_count: 335}}}                | keep order:false                                                                                | N/A     | N/A     |
9 rows in set (0.10 sec)

mysql> explain analyze select a.* ,b.* from (select * from customer a where a.C_CUSTKEY in (select O_CUSTKEY from orders where O_ORDERKEY=1 limit 1)) a left join nation b on a.C_NATIONKEY=b.N_NATIONKEY ;
| id                              | estRows | actRows | task      | access object | execution info                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         | operator info                                                                                                                                                                        | memory   | disk    |
| IndexJoin_22                    | 1.25    | 1       | root      |               | time:3.09ms, loops:2, RU:1.510949, inner:{total:792µs, concurrency:5, task:1, construct:4.06µs, fetch:778.7µs, build:3.34µs}, probe:7.12µs                                                                                                                                                             | left outer join, inner:TableReader_19, outer key:tpch1.customer.c_nationkey, inner key:tpch1.nation.n_nationkey, equal cond:eq(tpch1.customer.c_nationkey, tpch1.nation.n_nationkey) | 54.9 KB  | N/A     |
| ├─IndexHashJoin_36(Build)       | 1.00    | 1       | root      |               | time:2.01ms, loops:3, inner:{total:909.3µs, concurrency:5, task:1, construct:4.79µs, fetch:891.2µs, build:5.53µs, join:7.2µs}                                                                                                                                                                          | inner join, inner:TableReader_31, outer key:tpch1.orders.o_custkey, inner key:tpch1.customer.c_custkey, equal cond:eq(tpch1.orders.o_custkey, tpch1.customer.c_custkey)              | 147.5 KB | N/A     |
| │ ├─HashAgg_41(Build)           | 1.00    | 1       | root      |               | time:994.4µs, loops:3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  | group by:tpch1.orders.o_custkey, funcs:firstrow(tpch1.orders.o_custkey)->tpch1.orders.o_custkey                                                                                      | 8.97 KB  | 0 Bytes |
| │ │ └─Limit_42                  | 1.00    | 1       | root      |               | time:973.8µs, loops:2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  | offset:0, count:1                                                                                                                                                                    | N/A      | N/A     |
| │ │   └─Point_Get_44            | 1.00    | 1       | root      | table:orders  | time:967.7µs, loops:1, Get:{num_rpc:1, total_time:891.1µs}, total_process_time: 107.1µs, total_wait_time: 194.5µs, tikv_wall_time: 355.7µs, scan_detail: {total_process_keys: 1, total_process_keys_size: 134, total_keys: 1, get_snapshot_time: 23.8µs, rocksdb: {block: {cache_hit_count: 2}}}       | handle:1                                                                                                                                                                             | N/A      | N/A     |
| │ └─TableReader_31(Probe)       | 1.00    | 1       | root      |               | time:753.7µs, loops:2, cop_task: {num: 1, max: 628.8µs, proc_keys: 1, tot_proc: 71.8µs, tot_wait: 102µs, rpc_num: 1, rpc_time: 607.9µs, copr_cache_hit_ratio: 0.00, build_task_duration: 31.1µs, max_distsql_concurrency: 1, max_extra_concurrency: 1}                                                 | data:TableRangeScan_30                                                                                                                                                               | N/A      | N/A     |
| │   └─TableRangeScan_30         | 1.00    | 1       | cop[tikv] | table:a       | tikv_task:{time:0s, loops:1}, scan_detail: {total_process_keys: 1, total_process_keys_size: 242, total_keys: 1, get_snapshot_time: 19.8µs, rocksdb: {block: {cache_hit_count: 1}}}                                                                                                                     | range: decided by [tpch1.orders.o_custkey], keep order:false                                                                                                                         | N/A      | N/A     |
| └─TableReader_19(Probe)         | 1.00    | 1       | root      |               | time:692.6µs, loops:2, cop_task: {num: 1, max: 589.3µs, proc_keys: 1, tot_proc: 57µs, tot_wait: 88.8µs, rpc_num: 1, rpc_time: 571.3µs, copr_cache_hit_ratio: 0.00, build_task_duration: 22.6µs, max_distsql_concurrency: 1, max_extra_concurrency: 1}                                                  | data:TableRangeScan_18                                                                                                                                                               | N/A      | N/A     |
|   └─TableRangeScan_18           | 1.00    | 1       | cop[tikv] | table:b       | tikv_task:{time:0s, loops:1}, scan_detail: {total_process_keys: 1, total_process_keys_size: 104, total_keys: 1, get_snapshot_time: 14.4µs, rocksdb: {block: {cache_hit_count: 1}}}                                                                                                                     | range: decided by [tpch1.customer.c_nationkey], keep order:false, stats:pseudo                                                                                                       | N/A      | N/A     |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

set tidb_enable_outer_join_reorder=ON;
mysql> explain analyze select a.* ,b.* from customer a left join nation b on a.C_NATIONKEY=b.N_NATIONKEY where a.C_CUSTKEY in (select O_CUSTKEY from orders where O_ORDERKEY=1 limit 1);
| id                              | estRows | actRows | task      | access object | execution info                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         | operator info                                                                                                                                                                        | memory   | disk    |
| IndexJoin_23                    | 1.25    | 1       | root      |               | time:3.01ms, loops:2, RU:1.514662, inner:{total:803.9µs, concurrency:5, task:1, construct:6.21µs, fetch:783.3µs, build:4.67µs}, probe:5.8µs                                                                                                                                                            | left outer join, inner:TableReader_20, outer key:tpch1.customer.c_nationkey, inner key:tpch1.nation.n_nationkey, equal cond:eq(tpch1.customer.c_nationkey, tpch1.nation.n_nationkey) | 54.9 KB  | N/A     |
| ├─IndexHashJoin_36(Build)       | 1.00    | 1       | root      |               | time:1.99ms, loops:3, inner:{total:965µs, concurrency:5, task:1, construct:4.7µs, fetch:950.2µs, build:5.78µs, join:6.77µs}                                                                                                                                                                            | inner join, inner:TableReader_31, outer key:tpch1.orders.o_custkey, inner key:tpch1.customer.c_custkey, equal cond:eq(tpch1.orders.o_custkey, tpch1.customer.c_custkey)              | 162.5 KB | N/A     |
| │ ├─HashAgg_41(Build)           | 1.00    | 1       | root      |               | time:895µs, loops:3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | group by:tpch1.orders.o_custkey, funcs:firstrow(tpch1.orders.o_custkey)->tpch1.orders.o_custkey                                                                                      | 8.97 KB  | 0 Bytes |
| │ │ └─Limit_42                  | 1.00    | 1       | root      |               | time:876.2µs, loops:2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  | offset:0, count:1                                                                                                                                                                    | N/A      | N/A     |
| │ │   └─Point_Get_44            | 1.00    | 1       | root      | table:orders  | time:869.1µs, loops:1, Get:{num_rpc:1, total_time:790.5µs}, total_process_time: 104.2µs, total_wait_time: 113.8µs, tikv_wall_time: 277.6µs, scan_detail: {total_process_keys: 1, total_process_keys_size: 134, total_keys: 1, get_snapshot_time: 22.5µs, rocksdb: {block: {cache_hit_count: 2}}}       | handle:1                                                                                                                                                                             | N/A      | N/A     |
| │ └─TableReader_31(Probe)       | 1.00    | 1       | root      |               | time:824.2µs, loops:2, cop_task: {num: 1, max: 681.7µs, proc_keys: 1, tot_proc: 76.6µs, tot_wait: 95µs, rpc_num: 1, rpc_time: 661.2µs, copr_cache_hit_ratio: 0.00, build_task_duration: 30.6µs, max_distsql_concurrency: 1, max_extra_concurrency: 1}                                                  | data:TableRangeScan_30                                                                                                                                                               | N/A      | N/A     |
| │   └─TableRangeScan_30         | 1.00    | 1       | cop[tikv] | table:a       | tikv_task:{time:0s, loops:1}, scan_detail: {total_process_keys: 1, total_process_keys_size: 242, total_keys: 1, get_snapshot_time: 18.9µs, rocksdb: {block: {cache_hit_count: 1}}}                                                                                                                     | range: decided by [tpch1.orders.o_custkey], keep order:false                                                                                                                         | N/A      | N/A     |
| └─TableReader_20(Probe)         | 1.00    | 1       | root      |               | time:666.1µs, loops:2, cop_task: {num: 1, max: 555µs, proc_keys: 1, tot_proc: 66.2µs, tot_wait: 89.6µs, rpc_num: 1, rpc_time: 536µs, copr_cache_hit_ratio: 0.00, build_task_duration: 26.2µs, max_distsql_concurrency: 1, max_extra_concurrency: 1}                                                    | data:TableRangeScan_19                                                                                                                                                               | N/A      | N/A     |
|   └─TableRangeScan_19           | 1.00    | 1       | cop[tikv] | table:b       | tikv_task:{time:0s, loops:1}, scan_detail: {total_process_keys: 1, total_process_keys_size: 104, total_keys: 1, get_snapshot_time: 17.8µs, rocksdb: {block: {cache_hit_count: 1}}}                                                                                                                     | range: decided by [tpch1.customer.c_nationkey], keep order:false, stats:pseudo                                                                                                       | N/A      | N/A     |
9 rows in set (0.01 sec)


好的 生产环境估计升级版本的可能性比较小,我先看看修改sql能否得到想要的结果
