【 TiDB 使用环境】测试环境
【 TiDB 版本】
使用备份工具v6.0.0 备份TiDB v7.0.0报错.
[2023/05/17 20:00:09.047 +08:00] [ERROR] [main.go:58] [“br failed”] [error=“running BR in incompatible version of cluster, if you believe it’s OK, use --check-requirements=false to skip.: T
iKV node version 7.0.0 and BR v6.0.0 major version mismatch, please use the same version of BR: [BR:Common:ErrVersionMismatch]version mismatch”] [errorVerbose="
[BR:Common:ErrVersionMismatch]version mismatch\nTiKV node version 7.0.0 and BR v6.0.0 major version mismatch, please use the same version of BR\
可以通过 --check-requirements=false 跳过,但是官方文档中没找到和v7.0是否兼容,也没找到哪里下载v7.0的br工具,请大侠指点一下?