

tidb 版本 6.5.1

dumpling版本 6.5.1


CREATE TABLE a_group (
oldjf int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
newjf int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
oldsj datetime DEFAULT NULL,
newsj datetime DEFAULT NULL,
createtime datetime DEFAULT NULL,
yh varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci DEFAULT NULL,
txt varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (id) /*T![clustered_index] CLUSTERED */,
KEY aa (oldjf),
KEY idx_gmt_create (gmt_create),
KEY idx_gmt_modified (gmt_modified)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci AUTO_INCREMENT=30479

导出的命令是什么?看下dumpling 的日志呢?



[root@localhost /]# tiup dumpling -u databend -P 3306 -p ‘tEsVwFo2PiNBkc3G’ -h --complete-insert --consistency none --filetype sql --filter ‘.’ --filter ‘!work_sheet.h_adjust_salary_detail’ --filter ‘!work_sheet.h_recycle_bill’ -s 2419600 --no-schemas -t 8 -o /tmp/export_create_data_sql/a5f5421005024c5e8d0a9487b0c3154e -r 200000 -F20000KiB --where “gmt_create >= ‘2023-05-15 13:45:00’ AND gmt_create <= ‘2023-05-15 15:00:00’” --database usercenter
tiup is checking updates for component dumpling …
A new version of dumpling is available:
The latest version: v7.0.0
Local installed version: v6.5.1
Update current component: tiup update dumpling
Update all components: tiup update --all

Starting component dumpling: /root/.tiup/components/dumpling/v6.5.1/dumpling -u databend -P 3306 -p tEsVwFo2PiNBkc3G -h --complete-insert --consistency none --filetype sql --filter . --filter !work_sheet.h_adjust_salary_detail --filter !work_sheet.h_recycle_bill -s 2419600 --no-schemas -t 8 -o /tmp/export_create_data_sql/a5f5421005024c5e8d0a9487b0c3154e -r 200000 -F20000KiB --where gmt_create >= ‘2023-05-15 13:45:00’ AND gmt_create <= ‘2023-05-15 15:00:00’ --database usercenter
Release version: v6.5.1
Git commit hash: 4084b077d615f9dc0a41cf2e30bc6e1a02332df2
Git branch: heads/refs/tags/v6.5.1
Build timestamp: 2023-03-07 04:04:44Z
Go version: go version go1.19.5 linux/amd64

[2023/05/15 16:42:36.381 +08:00] [INFO] [versions.go:54] [“Welcome to dumpling”] [“Release Version”=v6.5.1] [“Git Commit Hash”=4084b077d615f9dc0a41cf2e30bc6e1a02332df2] [“Git Branch”=heads/refs/tags/v6.5.1] [“Build timestamp”=“2023-03-07 04:04:44”] [“Go Version”=“go version go1.19.5 linux/amd64”]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.386 +08:00] [WARN] [version.go:316] [“select tidb_version() failed, will fallback to ‘select version();’”] [error=“Error 1046: No database selected”]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.387 +08:00] [INFO] [version.go:423] [“detect server version”] [type=MySQL] [version=8.0.13]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.390 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:131] [“begin to run Dump”] [conf=“{"s3":{"endpoint":"","region":"","storage-class":"","sse":"","sse-kms-key-id":"","acl":"","access-key":"","secret-access-key":"","provider":"","force-path-style":true,"use-accelerate-endpoint":false,"role-arn":"","external-id":"","object-lock-enabled":false},"gcs":{"endpoint":"","storage-class":"","predefined-acl":"","credentials-file":""},"azblob":{"endpoint":"","account-name":"","account-key":"","access-tier":""},"AllowCleartextPasswords":false,"SortByPk":true,"NoViews":true,"NoSequences":true,"NoHeader":false,"NoSchemas":true,"NoData":false,"CompleteInsert":true,"TransactionalConsistency":true,"EscapeBackslash":true,"DumpEmptyDatabase":true,"PosAfterConnect":false,"CompressType":0,"Host":"","Port":3306,"Threads":8,"User":"databend","Security":{"CAPath":"","CertPath":"","KeyPath":""},"LogLevel":"info","LogFile":"","LogFormat":"text","OutputDirPath":"/tmp/export_create_data_sql/a5f5421005024c5e8d0a9487b0c3154e","StatusAddr":":8281","Snapshot":"","Consistency":"none","CsvNullValue":"\\N","SQL":"","CsvSeparator":",","CsvDelimiter":"\"","Databases":["usercenter"],"Where":"gmt_create \u003e= ‘2023-05-15 13:45:00’ AND gmt_create \u003c= ‘2023-05-15 15:00:00’","FileType":"sql","ServerInfo":{"ServerType":1,"ServerVersion":"8.0.13","HasTiKV":false},"Rows":200000,"ReadTimeout":900000000000,"TiDBMemQuotaQuery":0,"FileSize":20480000,"StatementSize":2419600,"SessionParams":{},"Tables":{},"CollationCompatible":"loose"}”]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.394 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:184] [“get global metadata failed”] [error=“sql: SHOW MASTER STATUS: sql: SHOW MASTER STATUS, args: []: Error 1227: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER, REPLICATION CLIENT privilege(s) for this operation”]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.449 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=ai_highvalue_image_relation] [estimateCount=19224]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.449 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=19224] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=ai_highvalue_image_relation]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.460 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=algorithm_recommend_area] [estimateCount=58]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.460 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=58] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=algorithm_recommend_area]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.462 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=algorithm_recommend_area] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.468 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=algorithm_request_record] [estimateCount=9]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.468 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=9] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=algorithm_request_record]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.470 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=algorithm_request_record] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.478 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=arrange_rule] [estimateCount=22]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.478 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=22] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=arrange_rule]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.480 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=arrange_rule] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.485 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=attachment] [estimateCount=36369]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.485 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=36369] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=attachment]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.500 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:735] [“fallback to sequential dump due to no proper field. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [database=usercenter] [table=collect_user_app_login_info] []
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.501 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=collect_user_app_login_info] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.513 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=department] [estimateCount=84]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.513 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=84] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=department]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.514 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=department] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.530 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=department_statistics] [estimateCount=94]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.530 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=94] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=department_statistics]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.531 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=department_statistics] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.549 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:735] [“fallback to sequential dump due to no proper field. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [database=usercenter] [table=emp_app] []
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.551 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=emp_app] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.571 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=emp_datapremission] [estimateCount=160896]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.571 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=160896] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=emp_datapremission]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.596 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=emp_equipment] [estimateCount=4765]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.596 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=4765] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=emp_equipment]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.610 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=emp_hire_departure_info] [estimateCount=649]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.610 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=649] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=emp_hire_departure_info]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.622 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=emp_hire_departure_info] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.625 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=emp_property] [estimateCount=1]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.625 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=1] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=emp_property]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.627 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=emp_property] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.633 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=emp_type] [estimateCount=1]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.633 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=1] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=emp_type]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.635 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=emp_type] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.641 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=employee] [estimateCount=1086]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.641 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=1086] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=employee]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.650 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:735] [“fallback to sequential dump due to no proper field. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [database=usercenter] [table=employee_department] []
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.654 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=employee_department] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.660 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=employee] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.667 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:735] [“fallback to sequential dump due to no proper field. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [database=usercenter] [table=employee_position] []
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.668 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=employee_position] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.677 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=export_record] [estimateCount=18157]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.677 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=18157] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=export_record]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.692 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=grid_module] [estimateCount=12563]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.692 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=12563] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=grid_module]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.708 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=highvalue_out_side_config] [estimateCount=8]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.708 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=8] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=highvalue_out_side_config]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.709 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=highvalue_out_side_config] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.723 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=kafka_producer_failed_message] [estimateCount=21]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.723 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=21] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=kafka_producer_failed_message]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.726 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=kafka_producer_failed_message] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.735 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=login_info] [estimateCount=193525]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.735 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=193525] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=login_info]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.743 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=menu] [estimateCount=67]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.743 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=67] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=menu]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.745 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=menu] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.757 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=menu_ico] [estimateCount=227]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.757 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=227] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=menu_ico]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.759 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=menu_ico] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.761 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=grid_module] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.771 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=new_menu] [estimateCount=500]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.771 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=500] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=new_menu]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.774 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=new_menu] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.780 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=new_menu_his] [estimateCount=325]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.780 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=325] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=new_menu_his]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.786 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=new_menu_his] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.793 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=new_org_project] [estimateCount=57]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.793 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=57] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=new_org_project]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.795 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=new_org_project] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.810 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=new_permission] [estimateCount=589]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.810 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=589] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=new_permission]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.816 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=new_permission] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.826 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=onduty] [estimateCount=255]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.826 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=255] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=onduty]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.829 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=onduty] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.841 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=operation_log] [estimateCount=2]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.841 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=2] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=operation_log]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.851 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_area] [estimateCount=71]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.851 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=71] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=org_area]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.853 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_area] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.860 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_area_equipment] [estimateCount=504]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.860 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=504] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=org_area_equipment]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.863 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_area_equipment] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.875 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_area_recycle_store] [estimateCount=123]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.875 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=123] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=org_area_recycle_store]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.877 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_area_recycle_store] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.886 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_category] [estimateCount=48]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.886 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=48] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=org_category]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.888 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_category] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.904 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_datapremission] [estimateCount=351]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.904 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=351] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=org_datapremission]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.908 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_datapremission] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.920 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_department] [estimateCount=67]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.920 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=67] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=org_department]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.921 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_department] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.932 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_employee_area] [estimateCount=16073]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.932 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=16073] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=org_employee_area]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.939 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_employee_car] [estimateCount=846]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.940 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=846] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=org_employee_car]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.951 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_fixedvideo] [estimateCount=27]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.952 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=27] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=org_fixedvideo]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.953 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_fixedvideo] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.968 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_menu] [estimateCount=2664]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.968 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=2664] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=org_menu]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.977 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_permission] [estimateCount=3927]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.978 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=3927] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=org_permission]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.980 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_employee_car] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.987 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_menu] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.992 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_pre_schedule] [estimateCount=43]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.992 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=43] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=org_pre_schedule]
[2023/05/15 16:42:36.996 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_pre_schedule] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.001 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_pre_schedule_apply_record] [estimateCount=24]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.001 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=24] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=org_pre_schedule_apply_record]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.002 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_pre_schedule_apply_record] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.002 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_permission] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.004 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_employee_area] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.011 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_pre_schedule_area] [estimateCount=645]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.011 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=645] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=org_pre_schedule_area]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.021 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_pre_schedule_change_log] [estimateCount=50]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.021 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=50] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=org_pre_schedule_change_log]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.023 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_pre_schedule_change_log] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.023 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_pre_schedule_area] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.031 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_product_package] [estimateCount=48]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.031 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=48] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=org_product_package]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.032 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_product_package] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.038 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_project] [estimateCount=26]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.038 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=26] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=org_project]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.040 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_project] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.045 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_project_predict] [estimateCount=99]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.045 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=99] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=org_project_predict]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.046 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_project_predict] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.052 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_recycle_store] [estimateCount=14]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.052 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=14] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=org_recycle_store]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.053 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_recycle_store] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.059 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_role] [estimateCount=130]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.059 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=130] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=org_role]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.061 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_role] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.071 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_role_emp] [estimateCount=1]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.071 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=1] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=org_role_emp]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.072 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_role_emp] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.080 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_role_permission] [estimateCount=6106]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.080 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=6106] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=org_role_permission]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.091 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_user] [estimateCount=975]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.091 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=975] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=org_user]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.101 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_user_role] [estimateCount=1001]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.101 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=1001] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=org_user_role]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.117 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=organization] [estimateCount=39]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.117 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=39] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=organization]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.118 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=organization] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.121 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=org_role_permission] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.125 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=permission] [estimateCount=90]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.125 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=90] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=permission]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.126 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=permission] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.131 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=position] [estimateCount=45]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.131 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=45] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=position]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.133 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=position] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.139 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=role] [estimateCount=30]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.139 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=30] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=role]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.141 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=role] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.147 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=role_ext] [estimateCount=1]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.147 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=1] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=role_ext]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.149 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=role_ext] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.155 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=role_permission] [estimateCount=2752]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.155 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=2752] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=role_permission]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.164 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=role_permission] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.164 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_box_cost_set] [estimateCount=379]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.164 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=379] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_box_cost_set]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.179 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_equip_fixedvideo] [estimateCount=386]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.179 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=386] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_equip_fixedvideo]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.185 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_equip_fixedvideo] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.189 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_equip_fixedvideo_bind] [estimateCount=485]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.189 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=485] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_equip_fixedvideo_bind]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.192 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_equip_fixedvideo_bind] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.197 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_equip_fixedvideo_stream] [estimateCount=92]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.197 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=92] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_equip_fixedvideo_stream]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.199 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_equip_fixedvideo_stream] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.205 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_equipment] [estimateCount=7252]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.205 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=7252] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_equipment]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.217 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_equipment_boxs_info] [estimateCount=4]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.217 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=4] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_equipment_boxs_info]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.225 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_equipment_copy1] [estimateCount=5026]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.225 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=5026] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_equipment_copy1]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.232 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_receiving_status_record] [estimateCount=52948]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.232 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=52948] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_receiving_status_record]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.240 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_temporary_storage] [estimateCount=432]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.240 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=432] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_temporary_storage]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.245 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_temporary_storage] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.248 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_temporary_storage_highvalue_config] [estimateCount=39]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.248 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=39] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_temporary_storage_highvalue_config]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.250 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_temporary_storage_highvalue_config] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.254 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_working_status] [estimateCount=584]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.254 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=584] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_working_status]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.257 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_working_status] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.272 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=rr_equipment_copy1] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.275 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:735] [“fallback to sequential dump due to no proper field. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [database=usercenter] [table=saas_equipment] []
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.276 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=saas_equipment] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.287 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=site] [estimateCount=1]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.287 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=1] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=site]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.288 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=site] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.297 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=site_equipment] [estimateCount=475]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.297 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=475] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=site_equipment]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.304 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=site_user] [estimateCount=1]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.304 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=1] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=site_user]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.307 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=site_user] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.313 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=sortingcenter_project] [estimateCount=26]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.313 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=26] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=sortingcenter_project]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.314 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=sortingcenter_project] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.320 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:735] [“fallback to sequential dump due to no proper field. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [database=usercenter] [table=sys_sign] []
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.320 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=sys_sign] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.328 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=u_login_rule] [estimateCount=10]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.328 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=10] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=u_login_rule]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.329 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=u_login_rule] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.336 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=user] [estimateCount=929]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.336 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=929] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=user]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.346 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=user] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.346 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=user_app] [estimateCount=1]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.347 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=1] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=user_app]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.348 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=user_app] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.360 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=user_clock_in] [estimateCount=1]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.360 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=1] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=user_clock_in]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.365 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=user_clock_in] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.379 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=user_copy1] [estimateCount=186]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.379 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=186] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=user_copy1]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.382 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=user_copy1] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.392 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=user_realtime_location] [estimateCount=1]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.392 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=1] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=user_realtime_location]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.394 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=user_realtime_location] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.414 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=user_role] [estimateCount=1069]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.414 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=1069] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=user_role]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.421 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=user_verification_code] [estimateCount=22720]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.421 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=22720] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=user_verification_code]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.429 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=version_manager] [estimateCount=41]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.429 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=41] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=version_manager]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.432 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=version_manager] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.440 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=virtual_call_record] [estimateCount=279]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.440 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=279] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=virtual_call_record]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.448 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=work_check_coding] [estimateCount=59732]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.448 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=59732] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=work_check_coding]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.456 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=work_check_group] [estimateCount=23]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.456 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=23] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=work_check_group]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.457 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=work_check_group] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.465 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=work_check_group_user] [estimateCount=215]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.465 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=215] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=work_check_group_user]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.475 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=work_check_location_setting] [estimateCount=613]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.475 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=613] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=work_check_location_setting]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.484 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=work_check_report] [estimateCount=154549]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.484 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=154549] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=work_check_report]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.492 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=work_check_schedule] [estimateCount=10434]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.492 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=10434] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=work_check_schedule]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.500 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:735] [“fallback to sequential dump due to no proper field. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [database=usercenter] [table=work_check_user_location] []
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.501 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=work_check_user_location] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.510 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=work_check_user_status] [estimateCount=320]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.511 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=320] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=work_check_user_status]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.514 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=work_check_user_status] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.519 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=workbench_module] [estimateCount=41]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.519 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=41] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=workbench_module]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.523 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=workbench_module] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.529 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=workbench_template] [estimateCount=1]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.529 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=1] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=workbench_template]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.530 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=workbench_template] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.541 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=workbench_template_module] [estimateCount=22]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.541 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=22] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=workbench_template_module]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.542 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=workbench_template_module] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.550 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:741] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=usercenter] [table=workbench_user_template] [estimateCount=49]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.550 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:747] [“fallback to sequential dump due to estimate count < rows. This won’t influence the whole dump process”] [“estimate count”=49] [conf.rows=200000] [database=usercenter] [table=workbench_user_template]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.552 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=workbench_user_template] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.564 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=work_check_schedule] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:42:37.566 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=work_check_coding] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:43:08.735 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:265] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=usercenter] [table=work_check_report] [chunkIdx=0]
[2023/05/15 16:43:08.735 +08:00] [INFO] [collector.go:255] [“backup success summary”] [total-ranges=99] [ranges-succeed=99] [ranges-failed=0] [total-take=32.300538055s] [total-kv-size=340.8kB] [average-speed=10.55kB/s] [total-rows=3026]
[2023/05/15 16:43:08.737 +08:00] [INFO] [main.go:81] [“dump data successfully, dumpling will exit now”]

数据库里面执行这条SQL 是否也会报错?



