
【 TiDB 使用环境】生产环境
【 TiDB 版本】v6.5.0

**dump failed: sql: SELECT * FROM `my_db`.`es_order_details` LIMIT 1, args: []: Error 1105: DB::TiFlashException: Failed to register MPP Task MPP<query:440416279155703816,task:11>, reason: query is being aborted, error message = Receive cancel request from TiDB**
**[2023/03/29 09:52:57.810 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:85] ["context has been done, the writer will exit"] ["writer ID"=1]**
**[2023/03/29 09:52:57.810 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:85] ["context has been done, the writer will exit"] ["writer ID"=4]**
**[2023/03/29 09:52:57.810 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:85] ["context has been done, the writer will exit"] ["writer ID"=7]**
**[2023/03/29 09:52:57.810 +08:00] [INFO] [writer.go:85] ["context has been done, the writer will exit"] ["writer ID"=14]**


导出吧?是不是你的这个表的tiflash数据有问题了,tiflash replica切成0试试


dumpling 备份可以指定 session 级别地 variable,直接从 tikv 备份即可。