使用lightning 导入csv文件的测试

【 TiDB 使用环境】生产环境 /测试/ Poc
【 TiDB 版本】v 6.6.0

多次尝试,在步骤2的检查中不通过, 请教下这个的使用技巧?

[tidb@tidb-mdb tidb-community-server-v6.6.0-linux-amd64]$
[tidb@tidb-mdb tidb-community-server-v6.6.0-linux-amd64]$ ./tidb-lightning -config …/tidb-lightning-csv1.toml
Verbose debug logs will be written to tidb-lightning-csv.log

| 1 | Source csv files size is proper | performance | true |
| 2 | TiDB Lightning has failed last time. To prevent data loss, this run will stop now, policy.test failed in step(written), please | critical | false |
| | run command ./tidb-lightning-ctl --checkpoint-error-destroy=‘policy.test’ --config=…,You may also run ./tidb-lightning-ctl | | | | | --checkpoint-error-destroy=all --config=... to start from scratch,For details of this failure, read the log file from the PREVIO | | |
| | US run | | |
| 3 | the config [mydumper.csv.header] is set to false, and CSV header lines are really not detected in the data files | critical | true |
| 4 | Cluster version check passed | critical | true |
| 5 | Lightning has the correct storage permission | critical | true |

tidb lightning encountered error: [Lightning:PreCheck:ErrPreCheckFailed]tidb-lightning pre-check failed: TiDB Lightning has failed last time. To prevent data loss, this run will stop now, policy.test failed in step(written), please run command ./tidb-lightning-ctl --checkpoint-error-destroy=‘policy.test’ --config=…,You may also run ./tidb-lightning-ctl --checkpoint-error-destroy=all --config=... to start from scratch,For details of this failure, read the log file from the PREVIOUS run
[tidb@tidb-mdb tidb-community-server-v6.6.0-linux-amd64]$ cat …/tidb-lightning-csv1.toml
##log info
level = “info”
file = “tidb-lightning-csv.log”

##check tidb cluster requirements

check-requirements = true

##import mode ,such as physical import mode and logical import mode.

physical import mode : local

logical import mode : tidb

#backend = “local”
backend = “tidb”

temprory directory for import key-value data, must be empty directory.

sorted-kv-dir = “/data/sorted-kv-dir”

#logical import mode operation




on-duplicate = “replace”

###source data directory

csv file

###source data directory
data-source-dir = “/data/my_database/csv/”

separator = “\t”
delimiter = ‘’
header = false
not-null = false
null = ‘NULL’
backslash-escape = false

##igore the default databases.
#filter = [‘.’, ‘!mysql.', '!sys.’, ‘!INFORMATION_SCHEMA.', '!PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.’, ‘!METRICS_SCHEMA.', '!INSPECTION_SCHEMA.’]

##target cluster info
host = “”
port = 4000
user = “root”
password = “root”
status-port = 10080
pd-addr = “”
log-level = “error”
[tidb@tidb-mdb tidb-community-server-v6.6.0-linux-amd64]$ cat /data/my_database/csv/policy.test.CSV
[tidb@tidb-mdb tidb-community-server-v6.6.0-linux-amd64]$

看你的csv数据格式,separator 不应该是, 逗号吗???

null = ‘\N’ 这个也应该改下


1 个赞



最好仔细看看官方文档?把上面我提的几个 都改了 再试试~ 一般按照官方文档来,不会有问题

依据toml 文件,Dropping table 删了2张表,再次导入成功。
疑问是为什么会drop table呢

有类似 oracle append 一类的参数设置嘛,我现在还没发现

因为部分数据已经导入了,但是 toml 里配置的发生了错误,后续导入的数据报错,看提示应该是默认启用了断电续传。
其实提示的命令操作大概的意思 --checkpoint–error-destroy=all,删除一些检查点中的信息,其中一步包含操作是 drop table 。
所以重配 toml ,删表就 ok

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