我想问下公司之前的同事参考tiflow写了个go语言的ticdc 的业务,我现在想要使用6.1的cdc 请问哪里可以看到哪些是已经被丢弃的方法?或者说我要怎么修改一下才不会出现版本冲突

我想问下公司之前的同事参考tiflow写了个go语言的ticdc 的业务,我现在想要使用6.1的cdc 请问哪里可以看到哪些是已经被丢弃的方法?或者说我要怎么修改一下才不会出现版本冲突

我需要修改的是他的sink.go 但是我不知道有哪些方法已经是废弃的
// Copyright 2020 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package sink

import (

cerror "github.com/pingcap/ticdc/pkg/errors"


// Sink options keys
const (
OptChangefeedID = “_changefeed_id”
OptCaptureAddr = “_capture_addr”

// Sink is an abstraction for anything that a changefeed may emit into.
type Sink interface {
Initialize(ctx context.Context, tableInfo []*model.SimpleTableInfo) error

// EmitRowChangedEvents sends Row Changed Event to Sink
// EmitRowChangedEvents may write rows to downstream directly;
EmitRowChangedEvents(ctx context.Context, rows ...*model.RowChangedEvent) error

// EmitDDLEvent sends DDL Event to Sink
// EmitDDLEvent should execute DDL to downstream synchronously
EmitDDLEvent(ctx context.Context, ddl *model.DDLEvent) error

// FlushRowChangedEvents flushes each row which of commitTs less than or equal to `resolvedTs` into downstream.
// TiCDC guarantees that all of Event which of commitTs less than or equal to `resolvedTs` are sent to Sink through `EmitRowChangedEvents`
FlushRowChangedEvents(ctx context.Context, resolvedTs uint64) (uint64, error)

// EmitCheckpointTs sends CheckpointTs to Sink
// TiCDC guarantees that all Events **in the cluster** which of commitTs less than or equal `checkpointTs` are sent to downstream successfully.
EmitCheckpointTs(ctx context.Context, ts uint64) error

// Close closes the Sink
Close(ctx context.Context) error


var sinkIniterMap = make(map[string]sinkInitFunc)

type sinkInitFunc func(
map[string]string, chan error,
) (Sink, error)

func init() {
// register blockhole sink
sinkIniterMap[“blackhole”] = func(
ctx context.Context,
changefeedID model.ChangeFeedID, sinkURI *url.URL,
filter *filter.Filter,
config *config.ReplicaConfig,
opts map[string]string,
errCh chan error,
) (Sink, error) {
return newBlackHoleSink(ctx, opts), nil

// register mysql sink
sinkIniterMap["mysql"] = func(ctx context.Context,
	changefeedID model.ChangeFeedID, sinkURI *url.URL,
	filter *filter.Filter, config *config.ReplicaConfig,
	opts map[string]string, errCh chan error) (Sink, error) {
	return newMySQLSink(ctx, changefeedID, sinkURI,
		filter, config, opts)
sinkIniterMap["tidb"] = sinkIniterMap["mysql"]
sinkIniterMap["mysql+ssl"] = sinkIniterMap["mysql"]
sinkIniterMap["tidb+ssl"] = sinkIniterMap["mysql"]

// register kafka sink
sinkIniterMap["kafka"] = func(ctx context.Context,
	changefeedID model.ChangeFeedID, sinkURI *url.URL,
	filter *filter.Filter, config *config.ReplicaConfig,
	opts map[string]string, errCh chan error) (Sink, error) {
	return newKafkaSaramaSink(ctx,
		sinkURI, filter, config, opts, errCh)
sinkIniterMap["kafka+ssl"] = sinkIniterMap["kafka"]

// register pulsar sink
sinkIniterMap["pulsar"] = func(ctx context.Context, changefeedID model.ChangeFeedID, sinkURI *url.URL,
	filter *filter.Filter, config *config.ReplicaConfig, opts map[string]string, errCh chan error) (Sink, error) {
	return newPulsarSink(ctx, sinkURI, filter, config, opts, errCh)
sinkIniterMap["pulsar+ssl"] = sinkIniterMap["pulsar"]

// register local sink
sinkIniterMap["local"] = func(ctx context.Context, changefeedID model.ChangeFeedID, sinkURI *url.URL,
	filter *filter.Filter, config *config.ReplicaConfig, opts map[string]string, errCh chan error) (Sink, error) {
	return cdclog.NewLocalFileSink(ctx, sinkURI, errCh)

// register s3 sink
sinkIniterMap["s3"] = func(ctx context.Context, changefeedID model.ChangeFeedID, sinkURI *url.URL,
	filter *filter.Filter, config *config.ReplicaConfig, opts map[string]string, errCh chan error) (Sink, error) {
	return cdclog.NewS3Sink(ctx, sinkURI, errCh)


// NewSink creates a new sink with the sink-uri
func NewSink(ctx context.Context,
changefeedID model.ChangeFeedID,
sinkURIStr string, filter *filter.Filter,
config *config.ReplicaConfig, opts map[string]string,
errCh chan error) (Sink, error) {
// parse sinkURI as a URI
sinkURI, err := url.Parse(sinkURIStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, cerror.WrapError(cerror.ErrSinkURIInvalid, err)

if newSink, ok := sinkIniterMap[strings.ToLower(sinkURI.Scheme)]; ok {
	return newSink(ctx, changefeedID, sinkURI, filter, config, opts, errCh)
return nil, cerror.ErrSinkURIInvalid.GenWithStack("the sink scheme (%s) is not supported", sinkURI.Scheme)


可以用 git diff 来看下修改,例如想从 6.1.0 升级到 6.5.0:

git diff v6.1.0..v6.5.0 cdc/sink/sink.go
1 个赞

好的谢谢,请问要怎么在linux 上部署运行呢,哪里有相关的步骤


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