

TiDB统计信息原理简介与实践 也参照这个看看

好的收到,目前来看,我们的几大慢sql,升级5.0.2后,有几个sql 使用mpp后性能确实大幅提升,很赞,我们后续会继续关注V5 ,非常感谢大家 @fzhedu @yilong

set @@tidb_hashagg_final_concurrency=30;

另外改写一下sql,减少 tidb 的工作量:

    mysql> desc SELECT count(1) AS "countd(post_cnt)" FROM      (SELECT 1     FROM poc.`document_ndc_all` a     JOIN poc.dim_fid_sentid b         ON a.md5_doc_id = b.md5_doc_id     WHERE pub_date_time         BETWEEN '2021-02-22'             AND '2021-05-25'             AND b.folder_id IN ('108487', '100508', '100510')     GROUP BY  a.md5_doc_id) tt;
    | id                                                 | estRows  | task              | access object | operator info                                                                                                                          |
    | HashAgg_68                                         | 1.00     | root              |               | funcs:count(Column#49)->Column#43                                                                                                      |
    | └─TableReader_70                                   | 1.00     | root              |               | data:ExchangeSender_69                                                                                                                 |
    |   └─ExchangeSender_69                              | 1.00     | batchCop[tiflash] |               | ExchangeType: PassThrough                                                                                                              |
    |     └─HashAgg_15                                   | 1.00     | batchCop[tiflash] |               | funcs:count(1)->Column#49                                                                                                              |
    |       └─Projection_63                              | 37.46    | batchCop[tiflash] |               | Column#45                                                                                                                              |
    |         └─HashAgg_61                               | 37.46    | batchCop[tiflash] |               | group by:poc.document_ndc_all.md5_doc_id, funcs:firstrow(1)->Column#45                                                                 |
    |           └─ExchangeReceiver_46                    | 37.46    | batchCop[tiflash] |               |                                                                                                                                        |
    |             └─ExchangeSender_45                    | 37.46    | batchCop[tiflash] |               | ExchangeType: HashPartition, Hash Cols: poc.document_ndc_all.md5_doc_id                                                                |
    |               └─Projection_42                      | 37.46    | batchCop[tiflash] |               | poc.document_ndc_all.md5_doc_id                                                                                                        |
    |                 └─HashJoin_44                      | 37.46    | batchCop[tiflash] |               | inner join, equal:[eq(poc.dim_fid_sentid.md5_doc_id, poc.document_ndc_all.md5_doc_id)]                                                 |
    |                   ├─ExchangeReceiver_29(Build)     | 29.97    | batchCop[tiflash] |               |                                                                                                                                        |
    |                   │ └─ExchangeSender_28            | 29.97    | batchCop[tiflash] |               | ExchangeType: Broadcast                                                                                                                |
    |                   │   └─Selection_27               | 29.97    | batchCop[tiflash] |               | in(poc.dim_fid_sentid.folder_id, 108487, 100508, 100510), not(isnull(poc.dim_fid_sentid.md5_doc_id))                                   |
    |                   │     └─TableFullScan_26         | 10000.00 | batchCop[tiflash] | table:b       | keep order:false, stats:pseudo                                                                                                         |
    |                   └─Selection_31(Probe)            | 250.00   | batchCop[tiflash] |               | ge(poc.document_ndc_all.pub_date_time, 2021-02-22 00:00:00.000000), le(poc.document_ndc_all.pub_date_time, 2021-05-25 00:00:00.000000) |
    |                     └─TableFullScan_30             | 10000.00 | batchCop[tiflash] | table:a       | keep order:false, stats:pseudo                                                                                                         |
    16 rows in set (0.00 sec)
2 个赞

tiflash 是在 clickhouse 上构建的 MPP,在大型 join/agg 的情况下肯定会更快。欢迎继续使用和提问题,我们一直持续迭代完善功能。

2 个赞

非常赞,改用group by 之后,也下推到tiflash执行了,直接缩减到2s执行完毕,非常非常赞

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这个sql的groupby 为什么没有下推到tiflash呢:

执行计划.txt (10.9 KB)

mysql> desc SELECT   SUM(reply_cnt) AS "sumany(reply_cnt)",   SUM(like_cnt) AS "sumany(like_cnt)" FROM   (     SELECT       a.md5_doc_id,       MAX(IFNULL(reply_cnt, 1)) AS reply_cnt,       MAX(IFNULL(like_cnt, 1)) AS like_cnt     FROM       `document_ndc_all` a       JOIN dim_fid_sentid b ON a.md5_doc_id = b.md5_doc_id     WHERE       pub_date_time BETWEEN '2021-02-25'       AND '2021-05-25'       AND b.folder_id IN ('108487', '100508', '100510')     GROUP BY       a.md5_doc_id   ) t;
| id                                                     | estRows  | task              | access object | operator info                                                                                                                              |
| HashAgg_68                                             | 1.00     | root              |               | funcs:sum(Column#52)->Column#44, funcs:sum(Column#53)->Column#45                                                                           |
| └─TableReader_70                                       | 1.00     | root              |               | data:ExchangeSender_69                                                                                                                     |
|   └─ExchangeSender_69                                  | 1.00     | batchCop[tiflash] |               | ExchangeType: PassThrough                                                                                                                  |
|     └─HashAgg_15                                       | 1.00     | batchCop[tiflash] |               | funcs:sum(Column#61)->Column#52, funcs:sum(Column#62)->Column#53                                                                           |
|       └─Projection_89                                  | 37.46    | batchCop[tiflash] |               | cast(Column#42, decimal(32,0) BINARY)->Column#61, cast(Column#43, decimal(32,0) BINARY)->Column#62                                         |
|         └─Projection_63                                | 37.46    | batchCop[tiflash] |               | Column#42, Column#43                                                                                                                       |
|           └─HashAgg_61                                 | 37.46    | batchCop[tiflash] |               | group by:Column#60, funcs:max(Column#58)->Column#42, funcs:max(Column#59)->Column#43                                                       |
|             └─Projection_88                            | 37.46    | batchCop[tiflash] |               | ifnull(poc.document_ndc_all.reply_cnt, 1)->Column#58, ifnull(poc.document_ndc_all.like_cnt, 1)->Column#59, poc.document_ndc_all.md5_doc_id |
|               └─ExchangeReceiver_46                    | 37.46    | batchCop[tiflash] |               |                                                                                                                                            |
|                 └─ExchangeSender_45                    | 37.46    | batchCop[tiflash] |               | ExchangeType: HashPartition, Hash Cols: poc.document_ndc_all.md5_doc_id                                                                    |
|                   └─Projection_42                      | 37.46    | batchCop[tiflash] |               | poc.document_ndc_all.md5_doc_id, poc.document_ndc_all.reply_cnt, poc.document_ndc_all.like_cnt                                             |
|                     └─HashJoin_44                      | 37.46    | batchCop[tiflash] |               | inner join, equal:[eq(poc.dim_fid_sentid.md5_doc_id, poc.document_ndc_all.md5_doc_id)]                                                     |
|                       ├─ExchangeReceiver_29(Build)     | 29.97    | batchCop[tiflash] |               |                                                                                                                                            |
|                       │ └─ExchangeSender_28            | 29.97    | batchCop[tiflash] |               | ExchangeType: Broadcast                                                                                                                    |
|                       │   └─Selection_27               | 29.97    | batchCop[tiflash] |               | in(poc.dim_fid_sentid.folder_id, 108487, 100508, 100510), not(isnull(poc.dim_fid_sentid.md5_doc_id))                                       |
|                       │     └─TableFullScan_26         | 10000.00 | batchCop[tiflash] | table:b       | keep order:false, stats:pseudo                                                                                                             |
|                       └─Selection_31(Probe)            | 250.00   | batchCop[tiflash] |               | ge(poc.document_ndc_all.pub_date_time, 2021-02-25 00:00:00.000000), le(poc.document_ndc_all.pub_date_time, 2021-05-25 00:00:00.000000)     |
|                         └─TableFullScan_30             | 10000.00 | batchCop[tiflash] | table:a       | keep order:false, stats:pseudo                                                                                                             |
18 rows in set (0.00 sec)


你检查一下 select * from mysql.expr_pushdown_blacklist; 看看 cast 是不是在里面,如果是,安装教程删除一下https://docs.pingcap.com/zh/tidb/stable/blocklist-control-plan

1 个赞

@Hacker_IslRgOns 可以查一下这个参数,有没有设置,感觉如果设置了这个参数,可能不用改为 group by? 可以试试这个文档里的参数。

这个计划是不是也有 warnings? show warnings 看看





1 个赞

这个 sql 跟上面的不一样,把这个sql 的文本给我吧,我本地看看

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analyze-sql.sql (13.4 KB)


SUM(reply_cnt) AS “sumany(reply_cnt)”,
SUM(like_cnt) AS “sumany(like_cnt)” FROM (
a.md5_doc_id, MAX(IFNULL(reply_cnt,1)) AS reply_cnt, MAX(IFNULL(like_cnt,1)) AS like_cnt
FROM document_ndc_all a JOIN dim_fid_sentid b ON a.md5_doc_id = b.md5_doc_id
WHERE pub_date_time BETWEEN ‘2021-02-25’ AND ‘2021-05-25’
AND b.folder_id IN (‘108487’,‘100508’,‘100510’) GROUP BY a.md5_doc_id) t

这个文件里的是另一个,都是groupby 没有下推的

2 个赞

经研究,是由于优化器的代码模型有点问题,导致没有选择最优的 2-phase agg。我可以打个 patch,避免这个问题,如果你需要的话。

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对,就是替换 tidb组件的二进制就行,很简单。
估计得下下个 release 会修好,因为下个 release 即将发布了

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aws ec2机器, centos 7系统, tiup安装的

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