- 文件系统是xfs的,mount point /xdfapp does not have ‘nodelalloc’ option set这种是不是可以忽略
- epoll-exclusive Fail epoll exclusive is not supported这个咋解决,我的内核是3.10.0-123.el7.x86_64,有的人说升级内核,这个不太现实吧,而且部署文档上好像没有说要求内核是多少的
- limits Fail soft limit of ‘nofile’ for user ‘tidb’ is not set or too low
limits Fail soft limit of ‘stack’ for user ‘tidb’ is not set or too low
这些要设置成多少的 - swap Fail swap is enabled, please disable it for best performance这个可以用swapoff -a关闭,但是文档上也没建议说关闭
- sysctl Fail net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1, should be 0
sysctl Fail net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1, should be 0
sysctl Fail net.core.somaxconn = 128, should be greater than 32768