
[root@slave005 bin]# tiup ctl:v6.1.0 cdc changefeed create --pd=http://slave007:2379 --sink-uri=“kafka://slave002:9092/abcd?kafka-version=2.4.1&replication-factor=5” --changefeed-id=“simple-kafka-task” --sort-engine=“unified” --config …/config/cdc/tidb_example_kafka.toml
Starting component ctl: /root/.tiup/components/ctl/v6.1.0/ctl cdc changefeed create --pd=http://slave007:2379 --sink-uri=kafka://slave002:9092/abcd?kafka-version=2.4.1&replication-factor=5 --changefeed-id=simple-kafka-task --sort-engine=unified --config …/config/cdc/tidb_example_kafka.toml
[WARN] This index-value distribution mode does not guarantee row-level orderliness when switching on the old value, so please use caution! dispatch-rules: &config.DispatchRule{Matcher:[]string{“tidb_example.*”}, DispatcherRule:“”, PartitionRule:“index-value”, TopicRule:“abcd”}[2022/08/18 14:05:18.375 +08:00] [WARN] [kafka.go:442] [“topic already exist, TiCDC will not create the topic”] [topic=abcd] [detail=“{"NumPartitions":3,"ReplicationFactor":5,"ReplicaAssignment":{"0":[1,3,4,5,2],"1":[2,4,5,1,3],"2":[3,5,1,2,4]},"ConfigEntries":{"compression.type":"producer","flush.messages":"10000","flush.ms":"1000","index.interval.bytes":"4096","max.message.bytes":"10485760","min.insync.replicas":"2","segment.bytes":"1073741824","segment.index.bytes":"10485760"}}”]
[2022/08/18 14:05:18.409 +08:00] [WARN] [event_router.go:236] [“This index-value distribution mode does not guarantee row-level orderliness when switching on the old value, so please use caution!”]
Error: [CDC:ErrKafkaTopicExprInvalid]invalid topic expression
cdc cli changefeed create [flags]

-c, --changefeed-id string Replication task (changefeed) ID
–config string Path of the configuration file
–cyclic-filter-replica-ids uints (Experimental) Cyclic replication filter replica ID of changefeed (default [])
–cyclic-replica-id uint (Experimental) Cyclic replication replica ID of changefeed
–cyclic-sync-ddl (Experimental) Cyclic replication sync DDL of changefeed (default true)
–disable-gc-check Disable GC safe point check
-h, --help help for create
–no-confirm Don’t ask user whether to ignore ineligible table
–opts key=value Extra options, in the key=value format
–schema-registry string Avro Schema Registry URI
–sink-uri string sink uri
–sort-engine string sort engine used for data sort (default “unified”)
–start-ts uint Start ts of changefeed
–sync-interval duration (Experimental) Set the interval for syncpoint in replication(default 10min) (default 10m0s)
–sync-point (Experimental) Set and Record syncpoint in replication(default off)
–target-ts uint Target ts of changefeed
–tz string timezone used when checking sink uri (changefeed timezone is determined by cdc server) (default “SYSTEM”)

Global Flags:
–ca string CA certificate path for TLS connection
–cert string Certificate path for TLS connection
-i, --interact Run cdc cli with readline
–key string Private key path for TLS connection
–log-level string log level (etc: debug|info|warn|error) (default “warn”)
–pd string PD address, use ‘,’ to separate multiple PDs (default “”)

[CDC:ErrKafkaTopicExprInvalid]invalid topic expression
Error: exit status 1
