tikv-ctl --data-dir /DMBITXVC/tidb/tidb-data/tikv-20160/ unsafe-recover remove-fail-stores -s 2154,2155 --all-regions
[2022/07/19 10:41:31.546 +09:00] [WARN] [config.rs:604] [“compaction guard is disabled due to region info provider not available”]
[2022/07/19 10:41:31.546 +09:00] [WARN] [config.rs:712] [“compaction guard is disabled due to region info provider not available”]
[2022/07/19 10:41:31.549 +09:00] [ERROR] [executor.rs:1092] [“error while open kvdb: Storage Engine IO error: While lock file: /DMBITXVC/tidb/tidb-data/tikv-20160/db/LOCK: Resource temporarily unavailable”]
[2022/07/19 10:41:31.549 +09:00] [ERROR] [executor.rs:1095] [“LOCK file conflict indicates TiKV process is running. Do NOT delete the LOCK file and force the command to run. Doing so could cause data corruption.”]