如何选举tidb的owner ?

文档中是使用delowner :


 tidb-ctl etcd delowner [LeaseID] [flags] + ownerKey

但实际命令里面没有delowner :

/tmp/tidb-community-server-v5.4.0-linux-amd64 # ./tidb-ctl etcd delowner 7fe29d0d-1376-49f3-918f-37f6e8057c9d
control the info about etcd by grpc_gateway

  tidb-ctl etcd [command]

Available Commands:
  ddlinfo     Show All Information about DDL
  delkey      Delete the key associated with DDL by `delkey [key]`
  putkey      [ONLY FOR TEST!] put a key in the path of TiDB schema versions by `putkey [key] [value]`

  -h, --help   help for etcd

Global Flags:
      --ca string         TLS CA path
      --host ip           TiDB server host (default
      --pdhost ip         PD server host (default
      --pdport uint16     PD server port (default 2379)
      --port uint16       TiDB server port (default 10080)
      --ssl-cert string   TLS Cert path
      --ssl-key string    TLS Key path

Use "tidb-ctl etcd [command] --help" for more information about a command.
subcommand is required

难道文档的是写错了 ?
就是要把etcd的key删了才能自动选择owner吗 ?