dumpling estimate count

dump导出提示[“skip concurrent dump due to estimate count < rows”] [“estimate count”=10000] [conf.rows=200000] ,这里estimate count是根据什么计算的,没有统计信息的默认是10000吗?

[2021/11/03 14:56:21.934 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:490] [“get estimated rows count”] [database=d_xxx] [table=TF_F_xxxx] [estimateCount=10000]
[2021/11/03 14:56:21.934 +08:00] [WARN] [dump.go:496] [“skip concurrent dump due to estimate count < rows”] [“estimate count”=10000] [conf.rows=200000] [database=d_xxxx] [table=TF_F_xxxx]
[2021/11/03 14:56:21.934 +08:00] [INFO] [dump.go:448] [“didn’t build tidb concat sqls, will select all from table now”] [database=d_xxxx] [table=TF_Fxxxxxx]
[2021/11/03 14:56:21.935 +08:00] [WARN] [writer.go:230] [“no data written in table chunk”] [database=d_xxxx] [table=TF_F_xxxx] [chunkIdx=0]

从代码里看 estimate count 是通过 explain select xxx 生成的执行计划里的 estRows 得出来的,统计信息不准确的话这块值误差就会比较大了:

这里为什么要用explain 来获取行数,是否还有其他用途,直接查询统计信息不是更快、资源消耗更少吗

explain 返回的 estRows 就是基于统计信息的吧


这块不太清楚研发的设计考虑,但我理解 dumpling 整体导出过程,获取表统计信息的代价相比较扫描 region 代价还是小到可以忽略的吧 :upside_down_face:

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