[foxchan@emar105016 tiup]$ tiup cluster --version
tiup version 1.15.0 tiup
Go Version: go1.21.9
Git Ref: v1.15.1
GitHash: 7f0e0fa8b7d5521075a9be2015eff442769fad47
[foxchan@emar105016 tiup]$ more scale-tiproxy.yaml
- host:
[foxchan@emar105016 tiup]$ tiup cluster scale-out tidb-gs scale-tiproxy.yaml
System ssh client will be used (TIUP_NATIVE_SSH=true)
The --native-ssh flag has been deprecated, please use --ssh=system
Error: Failed to parse topology file scale-tiproxy.yaml (topology.parse_failed)
caused by: yaml: unmarshal errors:
line 1: field tiproxy not found in type spec.topology
Please check the syntax of your topology file scale-tiproxy.yaml and try again.