【 TiDB 使用环境】生产
【 TiDB 版本】v5.3.0
协议都是使用的TiCDC Open Protocol
嗯嗯,还有更大的彩蛋,我们测试部部署的v6.5.0使用的是单机版的部署方式,我现在测试是部署的一个简单的集群。使用相同库名,相同表结构,相同kafka版本,创建changefeed使用相同的toml配置文件结果出来的结果不一样。 结果如下:
老版本,先delete再insert 高并发的情况下会有死锁的。
* Run sql statements in two transactions:
T1: begin;
T2: begin;
T1: delete from test.order_line where ol_o_id=7220 and ol_d_id=4 and ol_w_id=68 and ol_number = 7;
T2: delete from test.order_line where ol_o_id=7221 and ol_d_id=2 and ol_w_id=58 and ol_number = 4;
T1: REPLACE INTO test.order_line(ol_o_id,ol_d_id,ol_w_id,ol_number,ol_i_id,ol_supply_w_id,ol_delivery_d,ol_quantity,ol_amount,ol_dist_info) VALUES (7219,2,58,4,52661,58,'2021-11-13 02:38:33',5,'185.65',_binary'ZFQZYPNYPLZHNNBWPEIWTSPS');
T2: REPLACE INTO test.order_line(ol_o_id,ol_d_id,ol_w_id,ol_number,ol_i_id,ol_supply_w_id,ol_delivery_d,ol_quantity,ol_amount,ol_dist_info) VALUES (7218,4,58,1,23862,58,'2021-11-13 02:38:33',7,'408.94',_binary'QTCLICHWFMNOODRLLIBOOTUQ');
* At this time, we get error from T2:
Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction
2. Why does this happen?
* In RR isolation level, a gap lock is taken when we delete a nonexistent record. Because two gap locks in two transactions on the same gap don't block each other, so the two delete statements can successfully executed. (Reference [gap lock](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/innodb-locking.html#innodb-gap-locks))
* `REPLACE INTO` statement in T1 tries to insert a record and it tries to take an insert intention lock. And because a gap lock is taken by T2, this `REPLACE INTO` statement is blocked.
* `REPLACE INTO` statement in T2 also tries to insert a record into the same gap as T1, and it also waits to obtain an insert intention lock.
* Circular waiting happens and dead lock occurs.
嗯嗯,现在是集群环境下的v6.5.0还是包括delete的语句,单机环境部不包含delete语句。 请看我得回复说明。
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