[root@mytidb ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.6 (Maipo)
[root@mytidb ~]# uname -a
Linux mytidb 3.10.0-957.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Oct 4 20:48:51 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
问题:tiup playground 安装不完全成功,tifliash安装失败 dashboard 打不开
[root@mytidb ~]# tiup playground
tiup is checking updates for component playground …
Starting component playground
: /root/.tiup/components/playground/v1.12.1/tiup-playground
Using the version v7.0.0 for version constraint “”.
If you’d like to use a TiDB version other than v7.0.0, cancel and retry with the following arguments:
Specify version manually: tiup playground
Specify version range: tiup playground ^5
The nightly version: tiup playground nightly
Start pd instance:v7.0.0
Start tikv instance:v7.0.0
Start tidb instance:v7.0.0
Waiting for tidb instances ready … Done
Start tiflash instance:v7.0.0
Waiting for tiflash instances ready … ⠏
tiflash quit: signal: illegal instruction (core dumped)
Logging debug to /root/.tiup/data/TdruoYj/tiflash-0/log/tiflash.log
Logging errors to /root/.tiup/data/TdruoYj/tiflash-0/log/tiflash_error.log
arg matches is ArgMatches { args: {“engine-addr”: MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [12], vals: [“”] }, “config”: MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [2], vals: [“/root/.tiup/data/TdruoYj/tiflash-0/tiflash-learner.toml”] }, “engine-git-hash”: MatchedArg { occu
rs: 1, indices: [6], vals: [“16a60b0fe1e0f6a3af92524cf9fa21af123b290d”] }, “pd-endpoints”: MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [8], vals: [“”] }, “engine-version”: MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [4], vals: [“v7.0.0”] }, “engine-label”: MatchedArg { occurs: 1, indices: [10], vals: [“tiflash”] }}, subcommand: None, usage: Some(“USAGE:\n TiFlash Proxy [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --engine-git-hash --engine-label --engine-version ”) }deprecated configuration, log-file has been moved to log.file.filename
override log.file.filename with log-file, “/root/.tiup/data/TdruoYj/tiflash-0/log/tiflash_tikv.log”
Waiting for tiflash instances ready … Error
TiDB Cluster is started, enjoy!
Connect TiDB: mysql --host --port 4000 -u root
TiDB Dashboard:
Last login: Wed May 10 11:31:18 2023 from
[root@mytidb ~]# cat /root/.tiup/data/TdruoYj/tiflash-0/log/tiflash_error.log
[2023/05/10 11:32:35.683 -04:00] [WARN] [StorageConfigParser.cpp:262] [“The configuration "path" is deprecated. Check [storage] section for new style.”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.494 -04:00] [ERROR] [BaseDaemon.cpp:376] [########################################] [source=BaseDaemon] [thread_id=2]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.495 -04:00] [ERROR] [BaseDaemon.cpp:377] [“(from thread 1) Received signal Illegal instruction(4).”] [source=BaseDaemon] [thread_id=2]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.495 -04:00] [ERROR] [BaseDaemon.cpp:472] [“Illegal operand.”] [source=BaseDaemon] [thread_id=2]
[root@mytidb ~]#
[root@mytidb ~]#
[root@mytidb ~]#
[root@mytidb ~]# cat /root/.tiup/data/TdruoYj/tiflash-0/log/tiflash.log
[2023/05/10 11:32:35.682 -04:00] [INFO] [BaseDaemon.cpp:1160] [“Welcome to TiFlash”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:35.683 -04:00] [INFO] [BaseDaemon.cpp:1161] [“Starting daemon with revision 54381”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:35.683 -04:00] [INFO] [BaseDaemon.cpp:1164] [“TiFlash build info: TiFlash\nRelease Version: v7.0.0\nEdition: Community\nGit Commit Hash: 16a60b0fe1e0f6a3af92524cf9fa21af123b290d\nGit Branch: heads/refs/tags/v7.0.0\nUTC Build Time: 2023-03
-25 09:37:59\nEnable Features: jemalloc sm4(GmSSL) avx2 avx512 unwind thinlto\nProfile: RELWITHDEBINFO\n”] [thread_id=1][2023/05/10 11:32:35.683 -04:00] [INFO] [] [“starting up”] [source=Application] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:35.683 -04:00] [INFO] [Server.cpp:415] [“Got jemalloc version: 5.3-RC”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:35.683 -04:00] [INFO] [Server.cpp:424] [“Not found environment variable MALLOC_CONF”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:35.683 -04:00] [INFO] [Server.cpp:430] [“Got jemalloc config: opt.background_thread false, opt.max_background_threads 4”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:35.683 -04:00] [INFO] [Server.cpp:434] [“Try to use background_thread of jemalloc to handle purging asynchronously”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:35.683 -04:00] [INFO] [Server.cpp:437] [“Set jemalloc.max_background_threads 1”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:35.683 -04:00] [INFO] [Server.cpp:440] [“Set jemalloc.background_thread true”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:35.683 -04:00] [WARN] [StorageConfigParser.cpp:262] [“The configuration "path" is deprecated. Check [storage] section for new style.”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:35.684 -04:00] [INFO] [StorageConfigParser.cpp:318] [“Main data candidate path: /root/.tiup/data/TdruoYj/tiflash-0/data/”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:35.684 -04:00] [INFO] [StorageConfigParser.cpp:320] [“Latest data candidate path: /root/.tiup/data/TdruoYj/tiflash-0/data/”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:35.684 -04:00] [INFO] [StorageConfigParser.cpp:322] [“Raft data candidate path: /root/.tiup/data/TdruoYj/tiflash-0/data/kvstore/”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:35.684 -04:00] [INFO] [Server.cpp:987] [“Using format_version=4 (default settings).”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:35.684 -04:00] [INFO] [Server.cpp:1001] [“Using api_version=1”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:35.684 -04:00] [INFO] [Server.cpp:1016] [“UniPS is not enabled for proxy, page_version=3”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:35.684 -04:00] [INFO] [Server.cpp:504] [“start raft store proxy”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:35.684 -04:00] [INFO] [Server.cpp:1025] [“wait for tiflash proxy initializing”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.285 -04:00] [INFO] [Server.cpp:1028] [“tiflash proxy is initialized”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.285 -04:00] [INFO] [Server.cpp:1035] [“encryption is disabled”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.292 -04:00] [INFO] [getNumberOfCPUCores.cpp:72] [“logical cpu cores: 1, hardware logical cpu cores: 1, hardware physical cpu cores: 1, physical cpu cores: 1, number_of_physical_cpu_cores: 1”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.292 -04:00] [INFO] [Server.cpp:1064] [“ServerInfo: CPU: \n logical cores: 1\n physical cores: 1\n frequency: 0MHz\n l1 cache size: 65536\n l1 cache line size: 64\n l2 cache size: 2097152\n l2 cache line size: 64\n l3
cache size: 2097152\n l3 cache line size: 64\n arch: amd64\nDisk: \n name: /dev/mapper/rhel-root\n type: HDD\n total space: 53660876800\n free space: 44111826944\n mount point: /\n fstype: xfs\nDisk: \n name: /dev/sda1\n type: HDD\n total space: 10475274240\n free space: 10323349504\n mount point: /boot\n fstype: xfs\nMemory: \n capacity: 6761930752\n”] [thread_id=1][2023/05/10 11:32:36.414 -04:00] [INFO] [Server.cpp:1115] [“disaggregated_mode=None use_autoscaler=false enable_s3=false”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.414 -04:00] [INFO] [PathCapacityMetrics.cpp:91] [“Init capacity [path=/root/.tiup/data/TdruoYj/tiflash-0/data/] [capacity=0.00 B]”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.414 -04:00] [INFO] [RaftConfigParser.cpp:49] [“Found pd addrs:”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.414 -04:00] [INFO] [RaftConfigParser.cpp:85] [“Default storage engine [type=2]”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.414 -04:00] [INFO] [Context.cpp:623] [“Setting secuirty config.”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.414 -04:00] [INFO] [TiFlashSecurity.h:130] [“security config is not set”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.414 -04:00] [DEBUG] [Server.cpp:1191] [“rlimit on number of file descriptors is 4096”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.414 -04:00] [DEBUG] [Server.cpp:1214] [“Initializing DateLUT.”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.415 -04:00] [INFO] [ComputeLabelHolder.cpp:46] [“get cluster id: unknown”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.415 -04:00] [INFO] [ComputeLabelHolder.cpp:54] [“get process id: compute_127_0_0_1_3930_1683732756415078”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.415 -04:00] [INFO] [ComputeLabelHolder.cpp:46] [“get cluster id: unknown”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.415 -04:00] [INFO] [ComputeLabelHolder.cpp:54] [“get process id: compute_127_0_0_1_3930_1683732756415078”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.415 -04:00] [INFO] [ComputeLabelHolder.cpp:46] [“get cluster id: unknown”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.415 -04:00] [INFO] [ComputeLabelHolder.cpp:54] [“get process id: compute_127_0_0_1_3930_1683732756415078”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.416 -04:00] [INFO] [UserConfigParser.cpp:70] [“Set users config file to: /root/.tiup/data/TdruoYj/tiflash-0/tiflash.toml”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.416 -04:00] [DEBUG] [ConfigReloader.cpp:94] [“Loading config from /root/.tiup/data/TdruoYj/tiflash-0/tiflash.toml
”] [source=UserCfgReloader] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.416 -04:00] [INFO] [Server.cpp:1269] [“Loaded global settings from default_profile and system_profile.”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.416 -04:00] [INFO] [Server.cpp:1277] [“Background & Blockable Background pool size: 16”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.416 -04:00] [INFO] [BackgroundProcessingPool.cpp:90] [“Create BackgroundProcessingPool, prefix=bg- n_threads=16”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.436 -04:00] [INFO] [BackgroundProcessingPool.cpp:90] [“Create BackgroundProcessingPool, prefix=bg-block- n_threads=16”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.445 -04:00] [INFO] [PageStorageImpl.cpp:56] [“PageStorageImpl start. Config{ PageStorageConfig {blob_file_limit_size: 268435456, blob_spacemap_type: 2, blob_heavy_gc_valid_rate: 0.500, blob_block_alignment_bytes: 0, wal_roll_size: 2097152, wal_max_p
ersisted_log_files: 4} }”] [source=global.log] [thread_id=1][2023/05/10 11:32:36.445 -04:00] [INFO] [PageStorageImpl.cpp:56] [“PageStorageImpl start. Config{ PageStorageConfig {blob_file_limit_size: 268435456, blob_spacemap_type: 2, blob_heavy_gc_valid_rate: 0.500, blob_block_alignment_bytes: 0, wal_roll_size: 2097152, wal_max_p
ersisted_log_files: 4} }”] [source=global.data] [thread_id=1][2023/05/10 11:32:36.472 -04:00] [INFO] [PageStorageImpl.cpp:56] [“PageStorageImpl start. Config{ PageStorageConfig {blob_file_limit_size: 268435456, blob_spacemap_type: 2, blob_heavy_gc_valid_rate: 0.500, blob_block_alignment_bytes: 0, wal_roll_size: 2097152, wal_max_p
ersisted_log_files: 4} }”] [source=global.meta] [thread_id=1][2023/05/10 11:32:36.473 -04:00] [INFO] [PageDirectoryFactory.cpp:57] [“PageDirectory restored [max_page_id=0] [max_applied_ver=0]”] [source=global.log] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.473 -04:00] [INFO] [PageDirectoryFactory.cpp:57] [“PageDirectory restored [max_page_id=0] [max_applied_ver=0]”] [source=global.data] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.474 -04:00] [INFO] [PageDirectoryFactory.cpp:57] [“PageDirectory restored [max_page_id=0] [max_applied_ver=0]”] [source=global.meta] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.474 -04:00] [INFO] [Server.cpp:1287] [“Global PageStorage run mode is ONLY_V3”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.474 -04:00] [INFO] [RateLimiter.cpp:450] [“storage.io_rate_limit is not found in config, use default config.”] [source=IORateLimiter] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.474 -04:00] [INFO] [RateLimiter.cpp:454] [“storage.io_rate_limit is not changed.”] [source=IORateLimiter] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.493 -04:00] [INFO] [RateLimiter.cpp:533] [“bg_thread_ids 32 => [3931, 3926, 3927, 3928, 3929, 3930, 3932, 3933, 3934, 3935, 3941, 3938, 3936, 3937, 3940, 3939, 3953, 3943, 3944, 3946, 3949, 3950, 3942, 3948, 3951, 3945, 3947, 3952, 3954, 3955, 3956,
3957]”] [source=IORateLimiter] [thread_id=1][2023/05/10 11:32:36.493 -04:00] [INFO] [Server.cpp:1341] [“Detected memory capacity 6761930752 bytes, you have config max_memory_usage_for_all_queries
to 0.8, finally limit to 5409544601 bytes.”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.494 -04:00] [INFO] [Server.cpp:1431] [“Loading metadata.”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.494 -04:00] [INFO] [DatabaseOrdinary.cpp:98] [“Total 0 tables.”] [source=“DatabaseOrdinary (system)”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.494 -04:00] [INFO] [DatabasesCommon.cpp:367] [“Starting up 0 tables.”] [source=“DatabaseOrdinary (system)”] [thread_id=1]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.494 -04:00] [ERROR] [BaseDaemon.cpp:376] [########################################] [source=BaseDaemon] [thread_id=2]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.494 -04:00] [ERROR] [BaseDaemon.cpp:377] [“(from thread 1) Received signal Illegal instruction(4).”] [source=BaseDaemon] [thread_id=2]
[2023/05/10 11:32:36.495 -04:00] [ERROR] [BaseDaemon.cpp:472] [“Illegal operand.”] [source=BaseDaemon] [thread_id=2]
[root@mytidb ~]#